UPDATE: Since Covid, shipping from South Africa has become too expensive and risky. Sadly for now there are just a few complete sets (seen above) standing by for collectors who will arrange their own collection. No smaller orders have stock on standby. It will be some time before fast FREE air shipping of all the ancient artifact replicas will be active again and Credit card order purchases are possible through a Worldpay https safe page.
The exclusive ancient artifacts you see in the collection are the highest quality reproductions of the most controversial history rewriting challenging pieces available. Each ancient artifact replica reproduction takes every micro fine detail from the original pieces so it is closest to original in every way shape and form.
This artifact replica platform has two basic motivations: Firstly to generate funds to continue research and secondly to spread word and awaken the masses while reviving human uplifting ancient hidden records. In this regard since we are a fund rasing based project we must advise that all pieces here are non returnable or refundable purchases. Mainly because we operate from the furthest place on the planet from buyers and the cost and admin for returns and handling of such is too costly. I insist before you purchase your item to be sure as you owe it to yourself to see the videos of each piece up close and the high res close up images.
Please click the enquiry links for each ancient artifact replica or click the Enquiries link to discuss the # item number of each ancient artifact replica you want. Let us calculate your own personal combination order discount and answer any questions you have on any piece.
We take great pride in defining our works as 'museum quality replicas' for all the ancient artifact/artefact reproduction collection seen above which is ready for ordering for collectors and general public.
Please note the policy on selling these items is a non return/refund policy firstly since this is a project based on generating funds for a good cause. Secondly due to the horrific cost of shipping from the other side of the planet and admin if we accept returns it will be too much for staff and extra costs. I have gone to great effort to show clear images of all and videos of the items as well. Please be sure you see the videos of the items before ordering. If damage occurs to the parcel, please be sure to photograph how the parcel appears and address the complaint so it is on record at the post office. Take an image of the damaged parcel before opening, and the products after opening. We will assist in these cases as they are important to us.
See also the image gallery at the bottom of the page to see how they look in your home with correct LED placed low angle spotlights (creates strong light and shadow with relief). Thus displaying them correctly like a museum would achieve on your wall. (All items ready for wall placement). The prints can easily be mounted on a single sheet of glass. Simply adhere the print with small drops of clear adhesive placed on carefully chosen points. Then use 8cm wall nails setting them near the 4 corners at least 4cm deep and carefully and accurately measured so they act like spring tensioned nails. Then slide the glass into position. Add a small drop of clear adhesive where it makes contact with nail heads. (See the Sphinx papyrus print in the image gallery that has rough edges that creates a shadow when the glass is 3cm away from the wall). I have added an image in the gallery of my bookcase to show what artifacts and a spotlight can do to make it all come alive!
I believe over the ages historical monarchy of all lands have sent out teams of thier most trusted men to hunt down forbidden artifacts. Artworks that show either too much explanation for the human origin star map or star gate or Tree of Life as Creation. This includes the original UNIQUELY decorated 'Holy Grail' too ref .
But they could not find all, and these pieces here are the last remnants of the two biggest secrets that would uplift humanity as sacred while uniting all nations. Hardly in the best interests of any war mongering nations set on gaining greater wealth for their family in war.
I invite you now to become a Hidden Records knowledge 'keeper' of these ancient artifac replicas as stunning decoration for your home before laws change that will begin to downplay and doubt the original pieces in museums. Some say the forbidden contents the replicas display might suddenly become attacked as fakes since they literally prove star visitors to our word and star gate devices . The more 'keepers' have the collection and record of which museums had the original pieces designated as real artifacts in their records, the better.
The "Herschel Collection" of exclusive high detail acrilic cast replicas are of the most famous and revealing 'ancient astronaut artifacts', and Pleiades star map and star gate evidence to date. Most of the collection here have never ever been produced before. They were initially created to go on shows, but due to demand it will be possible to continually produce these replicas for collectors.
The Videos of all the items being decoded are at the bottom of the page. Also a video on how they can be correctly displayed on walls with correct angle spotlight lighting and stunning glass frame idea for the prints.
These replicas proceeds are an important way for us to raise money for the prospects of this quest to spread the word on the star secrets of The Hidden Records. There are 25 ancient artifact replica pieces to date (Mar 2017) as seen above and all are deciphered and seen up close in the HD videos that follow.
Please view videos of the items up close, my price specials, minimum order condition of 3 on the smaller items, the discount structure at the bottom of this page...