The fault line crack that occured with the impact just over 12,000 years ago as seen above, in reality spread along the ocean bed and literally lifted up the seabed near Atlantis. Atlantis the landmass, simply put, began sliding into Europe by gravitational forces that caused it to slide downhill from the 'uplift' motion of subcrustal detonation by the meteor.
During what must have felt like an eternal constant ten-on-the-Richter-Scale quake that lasted days, anything of substantial mass that was not built on bedrock would literally have been swallowed by a geological process where solid land turns into very soft mud.
They, that is to say scientists, call it liquifaction: Where the land liquifies and anything with any mass sinks into what would look more like a giant mud swamp. All that is left in its wake is: Just an empty plain deplete of any ruins. That explains why there are virtually no ruins on the site that was once the Atlantis port city.
The wording "virtually" is deliberate because there is evidence of at least some ruins and and what is left of them is explored extensively in the book. Giant statue base ruins. But the best artifact of all remains intact and available to this day. Unscathed by liquifaction, Herschel would only discover it at a very late stage whilst putting the final touches to what would become his Atlantis masterpiece.
Herschel's Atlantis has a way of riding one major breakthrough after another. The uncovering of the ancient maps on Atlantis, the discovery of the real Pillars of Hercules, the huge collection of artifacts that support the star ancestor theory, proof of the Biblical Flood, evidence of the Younger Dryas Stadial impact event caused by an iron asteroid, reasoning of what caused the chaos in our solar system in the first place based on the Sumerian planetary collision made famous by Zecharia Sitchin: These are only the tip of the iceberg of clues in this new book on proving once and for all that Atlantis did exist and was very real at that.
The limited sneak preview that this website plays host to is intended as just enough to spark your interest, but not enough so as to spoil things for those who are ready to get their teeth into the book with its wealth of permutations that even an introduction as extensive as this one cannot possibly do justice to.
And I can assure you, the book promises to be a feast for not only the fanatics on the subject but also the cautious 'onlookers' with just a smidgeon of curiosity that at some or other point may have tickled the imagination. If anything, Herschel's Atlantis - Countdown to 2027 may well be the answer to one of the biggest mysteries of all time that has forever baffled humanity and whose real truth has inadvertently been hidden from it for far too long.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I will boldly say and proudly at that: Wayne Herschel's book uncovers what few if any before it have achieved on this subject of nothing less than epic proportions.
Without giving too much of the real plot away, and mind you this happens to be a non-fictional plot that is a story all of its own in its own right, I think it is important to round off this article with the significance of the date 2027. It is after all part of the book title and what might have drawn you the reader in, in the first place.
In what initially seemed like an impossible feat, the author was able to extract from The Geoglyph that had appeared at the Atlantis site a date message using one of the world's first computer codes. It was what the punch card computers by Siemens used in the seventies. The coding system the company used was 'coincidently' called: 'Orion'. When the author stumbled across this key to unravelling the message, it became implicitly clear to him that every clue he was able to decode was preconceived, compiled in a style that bordered on genius and was nothing less than super- intelligent.
And it seemed no 'coincidence' either to Herschel that the date he identified coincides with the revised Maya end of times date. It was never 2012. The Round Calendar count recalculated recently has the same updated number... 2027. Thats why the message was placed in 2011 to tell humanity the real date!
2027 is coincidently also D-Day for the Climate Clock. The climate change deadline is no joke and it needs major intervention in the next decade for permanent world weather disasters and the ensuing crop failures to be circumvented. But it is not the only issue that needs addressing by the auspicious date isolated in The Geoglyph. There are four other hidden crises.
The prophecies spelled out in 'Revelation' in The Bible have all the matching clues that Herschel's Atlantis - Countdown to 2027 goes into at great length. The attention he pays to these is purely based on how critical these are to humanity's future and how these unfolding developments are going to change all our lives forever. And for the sceptics, there is a way to identify and measure if Herschel's much-anticipated event involving First Contact, as predicted from the crop circle, will involve visitors who are benevolent or visitors who are destructive ... and whether humanity here on earth is deserving of being saved by them or is best left to its own devices!