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HERSCHEL'S ATLANTIS - Alien Message Countdown to 2027
Article by Birgitt Lederer :

Herschel's Atlantis 2024 COFFEE TABLE HARDCOVER

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While we are trying to find a better publishing deal for our colour-edition, we have decided to launch it on amazon, especially now that we have also secured an earlier date for copyright thanks to our 2018 youtube time stamped videos.

Only the hardcover is now available due to colour images needing special paper.

A full-colour eBook is now also at hand for a limited time. My 'three for one' special offer for all three of my books in pdf, for the price of one hard copy ... $19 ... you get all 3 ebooks. Amazon is getting the ebooks shortly then this three for one offer ends: link .

For the shorter synopsis version of this book, or to order a printed copy, click here.

Click look inside to see some illustrated opening content too.


It is a date found in an alien message at the ancient site suggesting official First Contact, but it also coincides with the updated D-Day for the climate clock and exponentially more.

Video/Radio/TV shows are invited for streamed interviews. Here is a link to Rex Bear's Leak Project 6 part interview series as an example of how gripping the new visual material will be for audiences.

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The content of the newly-released publication Herschel's Atlantis - Alien Message Countdown to 2027 is so unique and earth-shattering, with a strong potential for its paranormal breakthroughs culminating in First Contact, that this is a book that stands to become life-changing for millions. For this reason a special launch protocol has been set in advance with some selected established contacts.

On what grounds can the author Wayne Herschel, whose 2003 book The Hidden Records already caused much controversy, say his new book is so very unique you might ask? I invite you to read on to see why. Due to the importance of getting the material out there and because of the interference his team has endured by those trying to stop the secret of Atlantis becoming public, big media as well as literary agents and publishers, not to mention influential people worldwide have been sent the extended edition pdf copies for evaluation.

We at THRBooks Publishing have gone to great lengths to compile different preview themes for Wayne Herschel's latest book to cover the overwhelmingly large collection of linked new discoveries, which he is fortunate to have made. The list of discoveries as seen on the back cover of the book can also be found at the end of the article here.

Watch the awe inspiring Atlantis 7 Plato clues video, how Wayne proves Atlantis the port city with its two main circular canals fingerprint and Atlantis the landmass, then decoding the alien message of first Contact that appeared there. It claims 2nd Aug 2027:



The Atlantis collection that Herschel had compiled by 2011 was pretty conclusive and sensational in its own right then already, purely based on its historical content of findings. It was just waiting for the time when his team could go to the site that they at the time thought would be crucial to producing the final touches that would wrap it up. However, the awaited finance for that trip never quite materialised due to interference as had also been the cause for so many delays before it.

The breakthroughs at that point were absolute gems on their own merit. They made for a great book just on the basis of the traditional piecing together of factual historical clues. But then what intervened was a very measurable almost surreal occurence that would put the cherry on top of what was already ample proof of Herschel's Atlantis.

Without going into the intricate details at this point, let it be said that this occurence can best be described as the ultimate in paranormal events and it occurred in 2011, shortly after Herschel's discovery of the circular canals. This fortuitous 'intervention' would change the entire tone of the book. And quite extroardinarily, it actually supports Plato's biggest claim that every author before him had completely steered away from. That the inhabitants of Atlantis were the legendary sky 'gods' of ancient mythology.




Or, better known as the lost lighthouse of Africa. Found on the north-western tip of Africa as one passes from the Mediterranean into the Atlantic, it once had a lighthouse that was the largest of its kind in the world. The illuminated portion was twice the size of that of the lighthouse at Alexandria, and it was an illumination that worked like a modern-day billboard. The name of it says it all. The Cave of Hercules it was once called.

The author found an old map in the form of an illustration that shows the position of the cave opening. It included two large pillars and the cave is shown as illuminated. Labelled accurately too as: Hercules Columns. But there is more, the cave opening was carved into the shape of the continent of Africa.

When illuminated by an internal fire, one would see the 'message' as I have shown, far out in the Atlantic at night where the Africa shore line is. But for the author the best part of what he discovered here are the megalithic scoop marks inside the quarried cave showing advanced technology. This cave was once a manufacturing quarry for Herculanean-sized pillar blocks! Scholars prefer to call the massive round-edged blocks millstones. But then you have to ask why they made thousands of them, as the cave scoop marks suggest. Pillars were obviously far more in demand than millstones.

But in effect what is so huge about this finding, is that the function of this cave supports proving the author's Atlantis in his new book. The shores of Spain have absolutely nothing to do with the Pillars of Hercules reference in Plato's works. Because the landmass of Spain and Portugal was once positioned more than 500 km further out in the Atlantic. Even the Plato quote of passing the Pillars of Hercules landmark speaks volumes, he never mentioned a narrow 'strait'. Translators used the wrong choice of word for the Greek word that referred to the general opening into the Atlantic from the Mediterranean.


Proving the unique lost circular canals would set the foundation for proving the port city of Atlantis, followed by proving the actual island landmass it was built on. The Atlantis landmass would have to have a city whose layout pattern was unique and boasted circular canals. Wayne Herschel has found the pattern and it resides in the Doñana National Park in Andalusia Spain. Spain and Portugal were once an island landmass disconnected from what is today the European continent and situated far west of it in the midst of the Atlantic ocean. Of course this begs the question: How could it possibly have moved and become part of Europe? It is all about what Herschel coins hyper-speed continental shift supported by the smoking-gun finding of a ground-zero meteor impact event.

The light-bulb realisation also that he should be looking for just two circular canals and not three as explorers before him believed, was the clue that had him strike 'gold'. It turns out that the third canal was actually the remains of a legendary chariot race circuit. Even Plato wrote about it. Without going into this here, the third canal by virtue of it being far shallower would leave no imprint on the land. This spoke for itself: The remnants of the Atlantis canals should have no more than two ancient scars.

Inevitably the Atlantis port city was built under the same divine star map blueprint as were all the ancient cities in Herschel's repertoire. On closer inspection, The Ancients at Atlantis had created a circumpunct sun symbol sun-veneration theme in their layout, where the centre 'island' mound becomes the dot in the symbol so to speak. Two circular canals around it would complete Plato's description. Herschel shows this in an image near the end of this article. A layout that inevitably coincides with the star map theme that he had identified in the grand beginnings of just about every ancient civilisation around the world. They all had the same blueprint layout plan for their most sacred structures. In the case of Atlantis it is the start of the legend: As above so below!

It is worth mentioning that new readers frustrated at not having the level of star map grounding to follow the author's work that they would like to have can go to the free to view content on this website.

Once Herschel was on to the site he suspected as being Atlantis, he went on to peruse various satellite programs to study the directional flow of the rivers in the flood plains. There seemed to be some kind of pattern to these. He began to take screenshots of different satellite frames across a period of several years to show the seasonal variations that would allow him to make a common template. And ultimatly what emerged is what you see in the next image. Behold the remains of two very disfigured concentric circles! Everything about this spelled a double circular canal design. Over time, the rivers retrace the old patterns because of the faster errosion of the flood-deposited soil that was softer in areas covering the harder previously engineered canal floor.

If ever there were two primary massive excavated circular canals in the flood plain of the Doñana National Park then one would expect to find it in an area of low relief. Consider what originally happened just over 12,000 years ago: In a time before Herschel's new mega meteor impact event discovery that he proposes caused the Younger Dryas Stadial marker. The cataclysm that ended the Ice Age that he also sets out to prove in this book.

An apocalyptic event of epic proportions that he goes into from every angle caused a legendary flood that would have washed over the pattern etched into the earth. Softer flood-plain mud forming over the original shape of the harder canal floor thanks to the Atlanteans' use of Land Surface Compression Technology, another Herschel discovery. In time, the annual floods would wear away the soft mud and partly uncover the original canal pattern.

The image here shows the average annual flood path during the flooding season of the Guadalquivir river.

Behold ... the fingerprint of Atlantis!




Did the ancient Atlanteans have an obsession with the star map Wayne Herschel found in the beginnings of all civilisations? Definitely.

What did the ancient Atlanteans look like? To answer this very potent question let's start with an iconic face already adopted for what the Atlanteans might have looked like. The face of Atlantis was to emerge in the form of a partly hollow light-weight statue that some say was found in an old field in the middle of knowhere in south-eastern Spain that came to be known as The Lady of Elche. Scholars for their part like to believe that regardless of where it was found, it is representative of a woman that was best suited to what an original Atlantean would have looked like. Now that it is about to become absolutely clear that Spain was once Atlantis, one needs to question why and how the bust appeared in a remote field near the town of Elche.

If one takes into account some sort of cataclysm being responsible for the cause for it washing to where it was later found, then one should consider the flood direction possibility that deposited it in this remote field hundreds of kilometres south-east of the ancient Atlantis port city site with its traces of the canals. The direction of flow turns out to be identical to the proposed flood direction that Herschel identifies as prevalent during the demise of Atlantis.

But what is of great interest here is the necklace she is wearing. Shown on it are what look like seven oil lamps as a collective placed above three Egyptian-style renditions of the sun disc. This could well be only meaningless decoration. But what if The Lady of Elche is wearing the star map of seven celestial lights of the Pleiades seen in the temples of the first ancient Atlanteans who arrived from the heavens. Just as today's Hebrew temples display the menorah and just as Christian churches place seven illuminated candles on an altar.

Her elaborate seemingly impractical ear decoration takes Herschel's headphones theory of the ancient Mayan gods to a whole new level. She would only be able to turn her head with difficulty. An entirely new analysis of what we are seeing here comes into play when one compares what Formula One drivers today have to include in their safety design. But let's consider the high probability of her head needing to be restrained in the same manner in another far more advanced cockpit. What we might be dealing with here is the celebration of an Atlantean star ancestor. The arrival of The Ancients' first and primary astronaut in a celestial chariot able to engage in some very unexpected and intense manoeuvres. Suddenly it all makes sense.




One cave mural from the lost continent of Atlantis (now in the northern highlands of Spain) reveals the genesis of Atlantis. What Plato had said was true. The Atlanteans came "from the heavens" and were literally "the gods" living on the earth! One needs to adopt that crucial statement as highly likely from the get-go or this book is going to be a hard pill to swallow.

To get ino the perfect mindset of the path this book will follow, one first has to go to the cave mural at El Castillo in the far northern highlands of what was once the Atlantis landmass. The place where it seems survivors took refuge as the island began to become submersed beneath the rising Atlantic ocean after a cataclismic event.

Deep inside the cave there is what Herschel prefers to call the "last outcasts' refuge" and found on the walls is the magnificent account of their celestial genesis. He assumes that they were outcasts since no educated language was used. And everything tells him they are likely to have been the children of the desperate survivors of an inconceivably shocking catastrophe. What their revealing murals show is what they knew well from their parents through oral tradition. People now reduced to living in caves, relegated to hunting and gathering and only able to express aspects of their advanced place of origins and their arrival here on earth with a few pictographic symbols and murals.

The most revered and sacred thing any proud exile would cherish is his or her place of origin and how the ancestors arrived on earth. The rendition you see below is precisely that.

The seven dots at the top are most likely of the Pleiades, just like all the other ancient star map cases the author discovered around the world. Together with Orion, this star cluster serves as a reference for the position of one very important sun star. The solar system of our ancestors.

The cave ceiling has engraved lines leading to the cosmic 'window' beneath it. Within it is what thousands of years later was adopted by one descendent tribe of the Atlanteans as its Star of David. It is also the symbol Herschel discovered represented the legend: As above so below! In the cave mural the symbol is found on the ceiling above, from it what look like four distinct groups of people, possibly representative of four tribes, are moving downward in rows travelling to the lower portion of the cave, to below on earth. Herschel is convinced this is an alien-arrival-on-earth scenario.

But the breakthrough here is not only of an arrival on earth from elsewhere in our universe, but how 'they' got here. People disembarking from the massive carriers with their slighly-tilted wings. The scene recreated on the cave mural is reminiscent of the eighties movie Dune a newer version of which is currently being relaunched by Hollywood. Massive interstella craft, exactly like the 2016 sighting of Oumuamua by astronomers, are probably what are at play.

One astronomer has already gone as far as releasing a paper on Oumuamua claiming it was artificial and definitely no comet. Other astronomers proved that it suddenly accelerated out of our solar system after passing through earth's orbital area. But the most telling paper released on it showed: It came from the Pleiades area. The Sumerian kudurru stone soon to be seen in a new video to be released shortly, shows such a craft and how it ties in with the Pleiades.

Imagine the landing sight at the area that would become Atlantis with many of these super carriers touching down as the author shows in the image. See if there is more you can decode from the clues in his illustration.




For those not sure of what Wayne Herschel's unique human origin theory is built around, then here is a brief explanation: He claims to have identified three sun-like stars common to many ancient star map depictions that indicate where our ancestors originated from. One of the three was more important than the other two and it was the same priority here at the Atlantis site. He makes a compelling case for the missing link in evolution. That earth was literally invaded by an alien lineage called Homo sapiens and that the earth-evolved homonid Neanderthal did not stand a chance. Humanity has always feared an alien invasion/ It has already happened and it is all very historical. We are the aliens!

Herschel says: "So what if we evolved somewhere else... evolution is real but all life in the universe originates and naturally selects to its environment, following a universal design blueprint. This is where the 'God factor' comes in, where all life is literally immersed in a radiation force field of life following a design blueprint from a real all-seeing all-knowing conscious Tree of Life that radiates life." ref

Wayne Herschel had an extraordinary NDE (near death experience) many years ago to credit as his initial 'source' which is covered in this article, one where he explains 'he came back with more than he left with': All he had to do was set out and test the strange clues and discover if the historical evidence seen in 'memory' was real.

It was.




You might think this is beginning to look a lot like something out of a sci fi film. Keep reminding yourself, if you acknowledge Plato's works as having any relevance, it is he who defined the Atlanteans' origins in exactly this way. We cannot ignore that part of the Atlantis legend.

With this discovery, Herschel's entire manuscipt is about to receive its biggest breakthrough. And what it claims will take it to a whole new other-worldly level. "Let's say thanks to a little help from above," as the author is quick to acknowledge. Let me show you how . . .

A traditional writing style was the initial approach to his book. For example, the ornate way of saying: The gods having come down from the heavens in celestial chariots seemed more palatable and with that being the case, anything alien sounding was avoided initially.

But then what happened next, would elevate the deliberately shunned outer-worldly detail of the author's findings to a whole new level. The relevance of facets of his research defined by super-advanced detail that bordered on the paranormal could no longer be ignored, let alone toned down. Actually it would have been sacrilege to do so.

And the reason for this is: What transpired right at what was once the site of the port city of Atlantis! Precisely on its centre 'island'. Someone else also knew this was Atlantis and whoever it was, was not even of this earth!

Whilst the world was waiting and watching for the so-called return of the sky gods of the Maya in 2012 and have their calender prophecy fulfilled, in parallel to its run-up something phenomenal was unfolding concurrrently. It ... that is to say something appearing at the Atlantis site now inadvertently involved the subject of a paranormal event in late 2011.

Overnight on a date yet to be disclosed, a paranormal force had 'indented' in typical crop circle fashion, the earth's crust creating the captivating crop circle that the THRBooks Research and Support Team soon coined as: The Geoglyph. It was made up of 84 ellipse-shaped lakes as far as the eye could see in an area expanse of more than 4 kms. See the author's rendition below compared to the size of the pyramids at Giza. And because of its significance in proving Atlantis, The Geoglyph pattern, now a stunning permanent indentation of the ground, takes its pride of place on the cover of: Herschel's Atlantis - Countdown to 2027. It is still visible today on satellite programs!

It had occurred precisely in the middle of what Herschel had identified as the imprint of what was once the Atlantis centre island.




The event could best be described beyond paranormal. There was also an encoded message with it. The encoded components of which are outlined in the image near the end of the article, as it becomes clear the alien message is also addressing the people of the Basque country. Most likely the last direct descendents of the Atlanteans.

In a nutshell it would seem some very advanced 'visitors' to what was once the site of Atlantis found it quite appropriate to indent into the ground via advanced technology a rendition of what Herschel refers to as 'his' star map. They even included in their rendition a piece of Spanish history. They knew of the two different traditions of Orion, one as a cross the other as a swastika, even if each belonged to a different epoch. The origin of the swastika is actually proven visible in modern astronomy. Orion has this nebulous pattern formation and the Om star map of the Indus civilisation knew it as the astronomy photo proves with long exposure settings.

But there also seems to have been a direct message personally aimed at Wayne with the Geoglyph... It basically screamed out... find the star map template here at Atlantis. This turned out to be a reality! It was here!



Both the large Orion four-dot compilations in the Geoglyph showed the X that marks the spot sun star so it was not hard to deduce who the message was intended for. Not only had Herschel been researching every blemish and anomaly in the area with the knowledge of what was once there. But he also happened to be the pioneer of this line of exploration. What were the odds that he would be one of the first to stumble upon what had been embossed into this isolated site?

This was beyond belief. He was after all "the star map guy" who had found implicit proof of countless civilisations mirroring specific stars for their most sacred structures as the place where they came from; he was the one who had discovered the star map template in 2002. It is here where things get a little bone chilling.

The designers of The Geoglyph showed Orion in its distinct rising and setting permutations with the kind of accuracy of measurement that not only revealed the level of their sophistication, but showed their acumen for all things worldly in what can only be described beyond belief.



One day the crop fields had a regular crop, then in the next image upload they had evidence of the largest crop circle ever created on the planet. It had happened that fast. It looked surreal, as if someone had hacked the image. Could it all be one big hoax? A few months had elapsed before curiosity got the better of the author and he revisited another updated image.

Lo and behold! Suddenly tiny vehicle tracks had made their appearance near the anomalies. The Geoglyph had obviously elicited some kind of interest by investigators. After a closer correlation study with a star program for precise positions of the X marks the spot, it proved that it was 'his' star map. It was no hoax.

If The Geoglyph truly was 'his' star map and this was planted by such an advanced race, one can logically hold out high expectation for a perfect correlation test. And one would be able to go to any advanced astronomy program to prove this. Would the sun star found in all the ancient star maps be perfectly positioned in the context of Orion? The million dollar question had to have a million dollar answer or the theory would fall flat.

The astronomy correlation potential would have to be close to flawless. Comparatively the correlation would also have to be so accurate as to account for why The Geoglyph was placed on rectangular fields to correlate with the astronomical grid measurement of celestial lattitude and longitude demarcation.

The odds were a little daunting and even intimidating but as the computer printout showed: The correlation had correct distance and basic orientation direction to the X marks the spot. It was absolutely correct! Note the measurement line of "2 units" in the image, two celestial units of measure and how the distances, orientations and sizes of the brightest stars of Orion all correlate! Let astronomers argue over this one. If anything, it is going to set off a storm! Now we also know why the massive landmark 'artwork' was intentionally... tilted!



But what about the group of four ellipses in a row and a second group of another two small ellipses? What do they mean. They actually comprise the message part of the alien 'artwork'.

Wayne Herschel in his book fully decodes the message encoded in The Geoglyph. In brief, it confirms that the Mayan prophecy of the sky gods' return was in error for 2012 and The Ancients had now left a message with the corrected date. A few more years have yet to come to pass in what all the clues unanimously scream out will be: Official First Contact and in a very public event at that! It is the highlight of the book's concluding chapters.

The Google Earth image below is evidence of the fact that those in charge of this satellite program were evidently instructed to remove the first pristine image of The Geoglyph and how it was first seen in a very green field. The IT person intentionally seems to have left behind a trace of the original overlay, be it small. The time marker suddenly given the timeframe originally dated 2011, is now 2010 with the appearance of the field apparently clear. But lo and behold, a trace of the remains, albeit of a small section of the original first image that was not removed, is still there today.


1) The Geoglyph coords... 37° 3'12.22"N 6°19'47.49"W (copy& paste).

2) On google Earth pro desktop, click time overlays, target 2010.

3) On the field edge, a small piece of a removed 1st overlay was left behind.

4) Pristine ellipses with no construction roads in this swamp area is impossible.

5) The image overlays show how old crops regrow again in old ploughed lines.

6) This is impossible if the ‘lakes’ were created with earth moving equipment.

7) Regrowth of old crop lines proves ground indentation created the ellipses.

8) Spanish authorities launched a paper later claiming they built the ‘lakes’.

9) ‘Lakes’ for study of zooplankton. No data to show building project.

10) Real Zooplankton experts say this paper is a lie due to very close lake cross contamination is out of control and paper faked impossible experiments.

11) The scientists in the paper appear fictitious and not found online.

12) Real Zooplankton experts say ‘lakes’ design is also insane due to lakes depth far too shallow in a flood plain where one good rain season will fill them all in. The effort to build the lakes would take more than a year to create and cost a fortune. It appeared overnight between 6mth sat images.

13) There are no research facilities by the lakes.

14) The first 4x4 tracks by investigators of some ellipses are now permanent since the long drought that followed in 2012.

15) After evaluators have found the Geoglyph to be of a paranormal occurence, data on the Siemens decoding data will be made available.




In his search for Atlantis, Herschel would soon recognise that its layout was also based on 'his' star map. But unlike how on Mars the X marks the spot was the 'face' monument, at the Atlantis site it would be the circumpunct symbol that would reference the sun star, in other words the other-worldly solar system of The Ancients. In Herschel's words: "Is this not obvious in the circular design plan?"

The circumpunct design fitted perfectly for the legendary circular canals! The controversial circumpunct symbol that was the big secret that was very lightly brushed upon in Dan Brown's 'Lost Symbol'.

What the Atlantis and the Mars star map had in common however was that they both used the Pleiades cluster and the Orion constellation as points of reference to finding this X marks the spot. And the same was true for Stonehenge.




And what does all this mean? Why did the ancients build such massive star maps that can only be solved when looked at from above. For decades Herschel had endeavoured to prove that all ancient civilisations worshipping a bull associated with a sun was based on something real. It turns out it was not our sun that they worshipped, but the sun-like star of our ancestors in the Taurus area.

Atlantis was identical to the layout of Stonehenge with its circle of stones and the mounds surrounding these, as was Mars before it. In fact all present the same star map. The Key of Solomoncipher had it too. Previously, the Mars star map was deemed to be the grandest in size. The face monument as the X marks the spot was 4km long and the whole star map almost 15km wide. But Atlantis was over ten times the size! Size was everything! This would perfect its purpose and be easily seen by other solar systems with super telescopes from deepest space. Here is why the ancients chose a repeating gargantuan star map for their greatest cities, the twist in our first book conclusion The Hidden Records.

The message it portrays:

This identifies who colonised our solar system!


In 2005 during a typical average day of online research into various new leads on Atlantis, Herschel felt inspired to look for some sort of mention in Plato's works of his star map. Typing in the words "Pleiades Plato's Atlantis" resulted in a very unexpected outcome. No doubt written by a Greek linguist, a claim was made that Plato described a set of small islands offshore on the west coast of the Atlantis port city.

In 1979 Vasilis Pashos felt it was important to reconstruct what the landmass of Atlantis looked like including the cluster of smaller islands.

He even named the islands ... all seven of them ... as the Pleiades islands. Herschel stared at the image in absolute bewilderment. The scholar's work predated Herschel's work on the star maps by well over 22 years. Which meant it completely ruled out the possibility that he had made it fit Herschel's (2003) star map theory.

This scholar showed in his map what he believed Plato had explained. Had the text either been completely overlooked by the more modern translations of Platos works, or had it perhaps been intentionally left out? Not impossible to surmise given how this topic has endured the wrath of being quashed since time immemorial. If this claim was true would there still be remnants of these islands on the ocean floor. Or would the flood responsible for the demise of Atlantis practically have erroded the islands away completely?



When it came to Atlantis, Herschel was certain that what he ought to be looking for was the largest, strongest and oldest case of this Pleiades star map template.

And then began the waiting game. It took until 2010 before satellite program images would include ocean beds. Imperative to his research would be to peruse the floor of Atlantic Ocean for patterns of lost islands that he was convinced were once small landmassess that took on the shape of the Pleiades and of Orion. If found these would most certainly suggest the remains or fingerprint so to speak of the lost Atlantis port city. A continent-sized island that Plato said looked like what he has rendered in the image below.

Would he find it? They existed! Both were anomalous ruins on the ocean floor. (See a sneak preview of the anomalies in the last image of this article in a pledge to the Spanish Government to embrace their heritage). If anything, the image you see reconstructed here is strongly reminiscent of exactly what he was looking for: 'His' star map template. This is what the area he isolated once looked like before the cataclysm that shifted the location of Atlantis.

Today the tiny islands are crystal clear mounds on the Atlantic Ocean floor. For its part what was once the Atlantis port city appears to have moved more than 100 km westwards to crash into Europe to become Spain and Portugal. A whole new continental drift theory, extremely fast moving resulting from a mega meteor impact event can now be put to the test with experts.

These are findings that are anything but theory. These ocean-bed islands were crucial to piecing together the puzzle that was Atlantis and if the port city was ground zero for earth's first big mass colonisation from elsewhere in the universe, that is to say from the red planet, it came as no surprise that its template was based exactly on what he had already identified on Mars.



In 1999 the author had originally compiled a comprehensive all-in-one book of the content of his current three books for his literary agent since it was all really one all-encompassing story. The first manuscript opened with the star map discoveries, led into the ultimate star map of Atlantis, then addressed the God factor, whilst at the same digressing towards ancient proof of the star gates and the implications of their deities traversing the heavens and riding the branches of the Tree of Life.

But it was too much for one book. Taking on board the advice of the literary agent at the time, the material has since been and is still being turned into several books, with the time now right for Atlantis. Click link at the bottom of page to see the three available so far.

Quite unsuspectingly, presenting the manuscript to an agent would cause a cunundrum like never before. Suddenly evaluators for prospective publishers were emailing him and jumping the gun trying to get more information on the Atlantis aspect of the manuscript. Next came a barrage of emails from 'friends' of the evaluators doing the same. Enough was enough. Herschel retracted his manuscript and decided to self-publish and this is when The Hidden Records first hit the shelves in 2003.

With the worrying realisation that since this was the book on the star maps and the Atlantis material was not secure, he inserted the sneak preview of Atlantis in Spain 'encoded' in the chronology. He had to have a record of proof that the Atlantis island continent and port city had already been discovered and by none other than himself. But a leak had to have come about during the handling of the manuscript by various parties.

Proof of this was a whole host of new authors who were suddenly claiming a similar area for Atlantis, even if the way they were reasoning it was neither substantiated nor credible. All of them turned out to be fly-by-night assertions disappearing from the media as fast as they had appeared. In retrospect, today he is thankful that he had had the foresight to trust nobody and the original manuscript was never the whole story anyway.

Herschel launched his first book about the star maps repeating themselves around the globe on a controversial South African investigative journalism program Carte Blanche in 2002, just under a year prior to The Hidden Records being published as seen in the first YouTube link above, and it opened a hornets next! It attracted exponentially more callers to the program than the record-breaking Nelson Mandela book Long Walk to Freedom before it had received. But then began the interference and it only found its way forward with a lot of difficulty, time and again having been blocked from major book depositories and book stores.

In the rebuilt image below is the ancient continent of Atlantis before it crashed into Europe.




The image above shows how Spain and Portugal were once the Atlantis continent. Also demarcated is the port city near the "Pleiades Islands". The astronomical map of the Pleiades with the X marks the spot has been inserted for comparison.

As explained on amazon, the author introduces his book Herschel's Atlantis with a compact preview collection of the most compelling proof and content of what he has found where the first 30-pages work more as a 'synopsis'. A far more intensive Introduction to the book so to speak. It tells the whole story much like this promotional article, but with all the bells and whistles and many more of the thought-provoking never-before-seen images that define each and every topic.

All these aspects and the new discoveries make this book stand out from others in its genre like no other book before it. The expansive introduction was opted for so that both his readers and interested media can see what they are getting into right from the get-go in a relatively short timeframe, leaving no room for confusion.

So what would cause a continent-sized island, if it really did exist once upon a time, to dissapear from the Atlantic Ocean where Plato said it would be? All things considered, a landmass the humongous size of which Plato claims, cannot simply hide under the sea. It would be visible, we would see it! But something catastrophic moved it. Continental drift science on steroids: It literally crashed into Europe to become the landmass of Spain and Portugal.

With relentless research it became apparent in the nineties that another author had published a book nearly a century earlier, in 1925 that discovered that Spain and Portugal were Atlantis. Initially Wayne Herschel thought he was merely proving another claim. But then came an interesting twist. What did the early twentieth century author really claim she had found? And on looking closely this then begged the question: Who was first? For now, let it merely be said: Credit must be given where credit is due!

Plato said the Atlantis survivors claimed they saw the port city sink completely? Yes it would look like it had succumbed to large-scale flooding. If for argument's sake all the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere were to flood over all the landmasses it is made up of! But how would this even be possible? Herschel believes the only answer to this would be a mega meteor impact event hitting the North Pole and he sets out to prove it. But if this did really happen you might ask the obvious: Then why is there no ground zero impact site that scientists know about today?




Herschel believes he has found ground zero! He knew where a massive meteor would need to impact during the so-called Younger Dryas Stadial to set off the precession wobble that is also apparently a more recent clue to what happened in that epoch. He also knew it would have to be a low-angle impact. He had done enough scientific experiments to be convinced of this.

He created a ballistics gel model to see what to look for in a low-angle impact event. Never did he imagine that he would find an identical match to the simulation he did that you see here. Take a closer look.

In the subsequent image he then shows how the impact created an elongated impact scar and reshaped Greenland into what it looks like today. Greenland by the way also has a huge canyon crack right through the middle of it hidden under the ice. It is only more recently that geologists first launched their paper on the: Greenland 'canyon'.

Scientists missed the detail previously because they were looking for a round caldera-shaped scar. The scar you see here is nothing like that. One also has to ask oneself: What happens when an impact is such that its outcome occurs beneath the sea? In a nutshell the answer would be something along the lines of: Things sort of meld into one another and it all gets confused as something else. Look closely and you'll notice that both sides of the crater ridges are actually there too.




It's all about simple physics: A mega meteor (not a comet) of solid iron penetrates the earth's crust in what we know today as our current North Pole position (it used to be the Hudson Bay previously). It then detonates below the earth's crust with what Herschel coins as new crustal upthrust physics. The outcome: The northern oceans flood the entire Northern Hemisphere.

The scars of the so-called Biblical Flood are as clear as daylight on a grand scale all over the Northern Hemisphere. The Sahara Desert for its part is about to reveal its frozen-in-time-scar. Using the very same physics parameters, the new data now reveals an even older and bigger impact event 250-million years ago. It is the impact that split up Pangaea and set off the super- size dinosaur era.




The fault line crack that occured with the impact just over 12,000 years ago as seen above, in reality spread along the ocean bed and literally lifted up the seabed near Atlantis. Atlantis the landmass, simply put, began sliding into Europe by gravitational forces that caused it to slide downhill from the 'uplift' motion of subcrustal detonation by the meteor.

During what must have felt like an eternal constant ten-on-the-Richter-Scale quake that lasted days, anything of substantial mass that was not built on bedrock would literally have been swallowed by a geological process where solid land turns into very soft mud.

They, that is to say scientists, call it liquifaction: Where the land liquifies and anything with any mass sinks into what would look more like a giant mud swamp. All that is left in its wake is: Just an empty plain deplete of any ruins. That explains why there are virtually no ruins on the site that was once the Atlantis port city.

The wording "virtually" is deliberate because there is evidence of at least some ruins and and what is left of them is explored extensively in the book. Giant statue base ruins. But the best artifact of all remains intact and available to this day. Unscathed by liquifaction, Herschel would only discover it at a very late stage whilst putting the final touches to what would become his Atlantis masterpiece.


Herschel's Atlantis has a way of riding one major breakthrough after another. The uncovering of the ancient maps on Atlantis, the discovery of the real Pillars of Hercules, the huge collection of artifacts that support the star ancestor theory, proof of the Biblical Flood, evidence of the Younger Dryas Stadial impact event caused by an iron asteroid, reasoning of what caused the chaos in our solar system in the first place based on the Sumerian planetary collision made famous by Zecharia Sitchin: These are only the tip of the iceberg of clues in this new book on proving once and for all that Atlantis did exist and was very real at that.

The limited sneak preview that this website plays host to is intended as just enough to spark your interest, but not enough so as to spoil things for those who are ready to get their teeth into the book with its wealth of permutations that even an introduction as extensive as this one cannot possibly do justice to.

And I can assure you, the book promises to be a feast for not only the fanatics on the subject but also the cautious 'onlookers' with just a smidgeon of curiosity that at some or other point may have tickled the imagination. If anything, Herschel's Atlantis - Countdown to 2027 may well be the answer to one of the biggest mysteries of all time that has forever baffled humanity and whose real truth has inadvertently been hidden from it for far too long.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I will boldly say and proudly at that: Wayne Herschel's book uncovers what few if any before it have achieved on this subject of nothing less than epic proportions.


Without giving too much of the real plot away, and mind you this happens to be a non-fictional plot that is a story all of its own in its own right, I think it is important to round off this article with the significance of the date 2027. It is after all part of the book title and what might have drawn you the reader in, in the first place.

In what initially seemed like an impossible feat, the author was able to extract from The Geoglyph that had appeared at the Atlantis site a date message using one of the world's first computer codes. It was what the punch card computers by Siemens used in the seventies. The coding system the company used was 'coincidently' called: 'Orion'. When the author stumbled across this key to unravelling the message, it became implicitly clear to him that every clue he was able to decode was preconceived, compiled in a style that bordered on genius and was nothing less than super- intelligent.

And it seemed no 'coincidence' either to Herschel that the date he identified coincides with the revised Maya end of times date. It was never 2012. The Round Calendar count recalculated recently has the same updated number... 2027. Thats why the message was placed in 2011 to tell humanity the real date!

2027 is coincidently also D-Day for the Climate Clock. The climate change deadline is no joke and it needs major intervention in the next decade for permanent world weather disasters and the ensuing crop failures to be circumvented. But it is not the only issue that needs addressing by the auspicious date isolated in The Geoglyph. There are four other hidden crises.

The prophecies spelled out in 'Revelation' in The Bible have all the matching clues that Herschel's Atlantis - Countdown to 2027 goes into at great length. The attention he pays to these is purely based on how critical these are to humanity's future and how these unfolding developments are going to change all our lives forever. And for the sceptics, there is a way to identify and measure if Herschel's much-anticipated event involving First Contact, as predicted from the crop circle, will involve visitors who are benevolent or visitors who are destructive ... and whether humanity here on earth is deserving of being saved by them or is best left to its own devices!



And in what may come as a shock to you the reader, the visitors are already here and Herschel boldly stands by his assertion that: They are already rehearsing for First Contact and testing how to be safe as they test our military interaction and capabilities with the UFOs buzzing the US Navy's war ships as already evidenced with the USS Nimitz. There are also many cases on record that the visitors have also tested if they can disable nukes if our governments are stupid enough to try and use such suicidal ordinance. The image you see here is reconstructed compiled from naval witnesses' accounts. The US government has basically stated that it will no longer refute the authenticity of the pilot witnesses claims. Quite extraordinarily, what is seen in the inserted ancient coins is a match.

Herschel in the concluding notes of his book reiterates how amazing the future could be for us all in a tangible Golden Era if we all band together to make the changes identifiable by a prospective cosmic messenger. Alternatively we can subscribe to the media chaos that intentionally has us believe in 'bad aliens' whom we should annihilate just in case they are of ill intent. But with the comparative that Herschel so aptly draws upon, this would be suicide. Like an Amazonian hunter who never saw our modern technology aiming his bow and arrow at an Apache gun ship hovering above him.

Who do you think will be the victor? Herschel believes humanity has only itself to blame for what comes next if it shoots at them or detonates super weapons intended for them and still has the audicity to blame them for the incident.




Here is Wayne Herschel's pledge in a statement to the Spanish Government that he recently made on facebook where he is currently releasing all the new developments pertaining to his discoveries. Especially regarding claims as to who built The Geoglyph.

Wayne Herschel might have proposed in the past that the historical monarchs of Spain knew the ancient star map secret that he has written about since 2003. It is also nothing more than just a theory how the coat of arms seen in the next image has seven crosses that appear to emulate the Pleiades cluster. Let's also call it a coincidence that the Holy Grail in their insigna happens to be the actual vessel in rituals that celebrate the human bloodline with the star map ref . Just theories, and nothing more than that.

He understands and respects that the Spanish government would want to avoid the UFO stigma attached to it for how it might be perceived by not only the Spanish people but by world leaders. He also understands its concern about the kind of interest The Geoglyph might elicit, inevitably subjecting the nature reserve to countless wreckless people inundating this natural heritage site without any circumspection.

Wayne Herschel also makes a separate pledge to the people of the Basque Country who hold the 'alien' icon on their original historical flag. If anything they are the ones who should be ecstatic that they hold the key to the greatness of humanity's past. Their language is so unique and original, it is probably the closest living record based on the original Atlantean spoken word going back earlier than Tartessos! He says it is up to them to recognise how the truth once it is known and accepted more widely, that is to say the history of their sacred pre-Celtic origins, will allow them to garner greater acceptance and respect.

If anything, the entirety of Spanish people will be the ones to stand proud when they embrace their elevated world status if his theories become fact. Wayne Herschel urges them to honour the history of their angelic bloodline and the site that bears testimony to it. The Geoglyph could well elevate itself to an attraction people worldwide would want to come and see and pay an entry fee for to tour the area. The kind of tourism potential it will offer Spain is boundless, growing exponentially in the build-up to 2027 while other countries increasingly suffer the wrath of the escalating pandemic that sadly promises to be with us for a long time yet.




The Geoglyph crop circle depiction is a message that is also being addressed to the people of the autonomous Basque Country. The Basque lauburu as seen here is decorated with the Orion star formation seen in the image.

This insignia can be found on the oldest historical Basque flag, based on ancient records of it in 10,000-year-old Spanish and Portuguese stone carvings of their ancestors. Wayne has written it is conclusive that the people of the Basque nation are most likely directly descendant from the Atlanteans. They also have a unique and original language too to prove it.

Our research team would like to put together a group of nationals from the Basque region. People passionate about their history who agree on the important interpretations that have been made here relating to their origins. Any interested Basque readers out there who don't mind public media interviews and feel proud to have their say, please click CONTACT at the top of the page and head your email 'Basque media group'.

In the image below one can see the components making up the full message as numbered sequentially.




With the THRBooks Research & Support team already having sent countless evaluation copies of Herschel's Atlantis - Alien Message Countdown to 2027 to mainstream media in a viral approach, the moment the book becomes available, it hopes it will overcome all interference currently trying to stop its publication. A private publisher for the entire book series is still the ultimate goal.

All three of his books are linked to from here

While new publishers are placing bids for the full project publishing, watch his YouTube channel where the Atlantis videos will debut with watermarks to protect them.


It all began way back in the nineties in a near-death accident he claims he came back from with a lot more than he left with. ref . He believes he was able to feel and understand the extent of the suffering of earth's billions of souls and at the same time learned that it was going to get way worse. The inordinate discomfort he felt at being privy to this truth had him plead with the light consciousnes to help him find a solution to the hardship unfolding from the maliciously instigated and uncontrollable chaos our world was increasingly being subjected to. The way he recalls the response he recieved was in the form of some sort of vast historical records download.

On coming to from his NDE he immediately felt the sense of urgency with what he experienced. Then over years of pondering on what happened the sense of responsibility became overwhelming. The complex recurring dreams of ancient knowledge were not some fantasy. In later years with advanced meditation techniques, he recognised the time had come to look for proof of what he repeatedly saw. Valuable knowledge that can actually circumvent all differences between divergent people and bring them together to end all wars. It could end the manipulation of the masses instigated by the greed-obsessed profiteering few in society.

What he was also to learn about were our origins. And more specifically that the human genus is basically of 'alien', that is to say 'angelic lineage', that is sacred and where all geneologies are equal since they all share origins that are identical. He was also to learn how humanity arrived in our solar system. What was beginning to look like a sci fi story was in fact the history of humankind ... our history.


Before concluding this article, special thanks has to go to all the supporting patrons at Patreon who have helped this project get to where it is. If you too feel that this quest the author is on to share with humanity his extraordinary insights is something you would like to be a part of, then please join. You too could be the change. The time is now to get the word out or it will all be too late for us all. Your funding pledge can make the difference. Members get to see some of the future new discoveries before they go public and will be special guests at any future events that the THRBooks Research and Support Team might put together.


Any mainstream media reading this article and wanting to secure the new colour edition or work with some of the colour image material to ensure themselves a more powerful story, simply click the contact button at the top of the page with the email option. The same goes for interested publishers. Please identify your agency or your publisher or journalistic status, and a pdf evaluation copy or extra colour images will be considered.








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Credits - References - Copyright - General summary of ancient alien star maps proving star ancestor human origins explored in The Hidden Records book by Wayne Herschel. A Pleiades and Orion correlating pyramid star map interpretation was published in 1997 newspapers, followed by a Carte Blanche TV documentary in 2002 now on youtube. The Hidden Records book by Wayne Herschel released in 2003. (See book synopsis on website for more detail of The Hidden Records). There is a Pleiades correlation with Cydonia Mars, Stonehenge and Tikal and his new 2021 published Atlantis discovery show the same for Atlantis in Donana Spain. The site of an alien crop circle message with swastika and cross. The ancient alien human origin theory by Wayne Herschel claims humanity replaced Neanderthal. The ancient star maps of Orion and Pleiades correlation including three sunlike stars are all Wayne Herschel's copyright protected discoveries.