First fact... Remove Sun and moon as an experiment to see what is left (because scientists have learned all about both sun and Moon), and all you have left in the sky are stars. Note the Freemason references in green font to 'seven STARS' and the Blazing STAR. ref
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The Ultimate monument of Ra in Egypt and in DC |
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The Hebrew Key of Solomon pictogram cipher puzzle |
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I guess one could say I am an ancient 'symbol and pictogram researcher' not having the knowledge of any ancient language. This evolved over the last 20 years, long before I became an author challenging human origins with the substantial symbol and pattern breakthroughs I published in my book 'The Hidden Records'. My most important ancient lost symbol discoveries are listed here. Ref - Key of Solomon parchment source: It is sourced from the Hebrew 'Mafteah Shelomoh' records listed as Or/14759/fol/35a - referenced on line from the collection of manuscripts titled Clavicula Salomonis - 'Key of Solomon' in the British Library. |
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The image above is the clearest image to date presented to me by a mysterious friend who asures me its free for me to use. I blended the image edges to fit the photo frame here. I see others like wikipedia are now using this new reference image I made online as well. I am not bothered to query others usage of it since it is still probably not the original from the manuscript. Here are the most recent press releases since uploading the findings online at this website and publishing it in two periodicals in 2007/2008: In the UK Kindred Spirit Issue 90 page 56 - see cover and article image In South Africa: Renaissance Issue 62 page 72 - see cover and article image This was secured and registered for copyright purposes securing documented dates (like the Youtube video at the top of the page) and public release. Press releases #1 #2 #3 #4 Before we get into decoding the solomon Key cipher we need to cover a little more ground first. The new material being released on this website will confirm that 'evil' grimoires, 'demons' and witchcraft are more than likely highly dramatised alterations of ancient myths created by the Elite either to hide or to encode sacred knowledge within secret manuscripts. Encoded hidden records that would create new laws to protect secret knowledge that only they were privy to. Here is the reasoning: The Elite, thousands of years ago seem to have hidden valuable enlightening records that threatened their war hungry profiteering ways by 'demonically' encoded texts so that action could be taken on their general public found delving into such works. I believe this protocol is still active today, although it has taken a whole new direction. 'Angels' appear to be real flesh and blood visitors to our world and the texts encode important stars associated with these visitors as 'demons'. This will be ellaborated on further down the page. Historically speaking, this article identifies a symbol that has lost its meaning until now. The lost symbol is not only Solomon's 'Key'. It is also the same 'Key' of the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff and the same 'Key' secret of St. Peter, as seen with his statue at the Vatican. The statue of St. Peter points down the causeway in the direction of the secret of the star fortress. There is something previously hidden that is about to launch. Once the 'sacred cross' symbol is deciphered! |
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Is it just a coincidence that the Pope makes an appearance on Christmas eve and views the heavens where it mirrors the ground? The three Kings of Orion 'follow' from the east heavenward to find a star associated with the 'birth' of the Messiah. Many believe that the 25th of December was the birthday of the SON of God. Is it just coincidence too that up until The Christ was accepted by the masses, that this day was celebrated for the birth of the SUN rising in the East? |
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The Sacred Cross symbol you are about to view is the Solomon Key parchment's most prominent clue. This ancient symbol ties in with many ancient civilisations that appear to have obsessed in many religions based on star 'god' visitation making contact with their kings. It evolved into a 'demonic' encoded secret only for the Elite during the time of King Solomon, and later interpreted as 'angelic' visitation, before becoming ridiculed today as a completely new topic: The paranormal - Sightings and contact made with beings in flying discs. Hidden records of contact made with those of the human lineage and the small grey complexion 'childlike' beings called Cherubim. This is an absolute shocker no doubt hidden from the public by the Elite since it will prove that all humanity is sacred and equal. Not only that, it seems they have prevented teachings that reveal how our Elite are globaly profiteering from humanity while hiding a
new system
that would end their destructive profiteering, prevent billions from suffering while ending poverty... a system that is uplifting and universally pure.
At the Clavicula Salomonis webpage, scroll down to the bottom of the page to view a copy of the original Hebrew parchment. (Click the image above and look for the same detail seen in this image). It seems to be intentionally hidden amongst worthless doodles or perhaps even fake inscriptions of absolutely no importance. It is listed as the one and only Hebrew sourced Key of Solomon. As the outer rim puzzle on the Key of Solomon talisman is pieced together, and once the meaning of the sacred cross is deciphered in its carefully placed outer rim position, all will become clear. Here is the Key of Solomon parchment in clear detail. The 'lost symbol' of the 'Key' is on top... the encoded star talisman of Solomon below...
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In essence... my findings are a little more than just theory when a whole string of linked mysteries across the globe all venerate the same star template of the lost symbol, all obsess with a single star near the sacred stars, and all revere "Angelic" heavenly visitors who appear to be our ancestors from this 'mystery star'. You are about to see that the Key of Solomon is the same Key of St. Peter, and it is the same Key of Hiram and Key of Enoch. Not only that. The secret seems to explain conclusively the Bethlehem star of Christ ... the star of Hiram Abif... the Blazing star of the Freemasons... the star of David... and more importantly also the star of "Wain"... the name King Solomon's people called this star. In the link below to word search these critical words simply open a word search window on the page by pressing these keys on your keyboard... Ctrl F ... then copy and paste each word or phrase into the search window. Asmodeus Wain Pleiades seven lamps stars in a row seven stars follow Fix thy house In the Testament of Solomon line 24: Ref: See highlighted words here in the ancient codex, An angelic character speaks to King Solomon (encoded as the 'demon' Asmodeus)... "I was born of an Angel's seed by a daughter of man, so that no word of our heavenly kind addressed to the Earth-born can be questioned. My star is bright in heaven, and men call it... the Wain" "...soon we shall again have free range over mankind, so as that they shall revere us as if we were gods" Scholars who read my research claims in their emails express anger and frustration. They respond asking how is it possible for someone who is not an archaeologist to come out of the blue and present: Firstly, so much new material, and secondly, material that includes ruins of a lost civilisation on Mars? They refuse point blank to look at the research or comment on it. They say it defies all probability of it being possible and therefore not worth their valuable time. "BIND THE DEMONS"... UNLOCKS THE SOLOMON KEY SECRET The Testament of Solomon manuscript speaks of the hidden knowledge in unlocking King Solomon's secret, and is without doubt of the very same theme with the talisman parchment with the lost symbol. I had realised that the ancient Hebrews encoded this manuscript with the complete layout of the star constellations using fictitious demonic characters. In much the same way as I had discovered in my book that... 50 pyramids of Lower Egypt are a group of joining constellations ... so too are the 'demons' encoded in the Testament of Solomon manuscript. "Demons" in this context are not evil spirit demons as one would imagine. The ancient scribes were telling the secret with a 'story' but for their Elite society encoding the stars and their names and positions. The secretly adjusted codex allowed the Elite the right to take action against any person found researching forbidden 'demonic' material (reasoning follows). This discovery is discussed with full online references lower down on this page. The clue is precise and it works for the talisman. Simply bind the stars.... Join the stars with lines to complete the missing star constellation reference in the outer ring. It is part of the star map, to find the place in the heavens of the Star of David... King David... Solomon's father. The online Clavicula Salomonis manuscript depicts many talisman examples BUT... to crack the original secret, one needs to search for the Hebrew sourced talisman... the original Hebrew Key of King Solomon. It would have to be Hebrew, not Greek, not Latin or French or any other source. It would also need to fit the manuscript theme of the Solomon Testament which it does (detail follows). Quite a surprise too that its shocking secret appears to be the same as that of The Vatican, The Freemasons and the Washington DC layout plan and the fundamental secret of the beginning of all the great pyramid civilisations! For those only interested in deciphering the talisman here without finding out more on what the star map means... ... it is decoded in an animated graphic, at the bottom of this page. The story unfolds here piece by piece so you the reader can reference and reason each clue as it is put together, so perhaps it is not worth jumping straight to the deciphered meaning just yet. The Key of Solomon talisman and lost symbol appears to be the earliest Hebrew encoded talisman on record - the original 'Key' secret of King Solomon that most likely started the legend of the Key of Solomon. Encoded portraits of George Washington My research on the Key of Solomon led me to the George Washington secret portraits painted by Freemasons. The image below is titled "A Vision Unfolds" - click it for source reference and where a Freemason did the honour of using my claim and image for the position of the blazing star. It is painted by Freemason Peter Wadell and it has a secret star map encoded on the celestial globe. Very clever of the Masonic artist to place it astronomically correct. also in the portrait above Washington's right hand is a sextant for star locating, which works almost identical to the earlier Masonic setsquare and dividers set at 33 degrees. The celestial globe shows the Blazing star of the Freemasons near the ecliptic but NOT close enough to the ecliptic to be our Sun. The line depicted in yellow is the ecliptic because the other line references are longitude/latitude celestial references. This star secret, I am absolutely certain is celebrated by the largest Egyptian obelisk ever build in Abusir in ancient Egypt as well as one even larger built in modern times... the Washington monument and its importance in Washington DC as a secret star map, set to mirror the sky on Sol Invictus.
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There is another encoded painting and it is produced in almost identical theme: The Washington family portrait. I could see at first glance that it also holds a Masonic code. A code encrypted within it, revealing the meaning of the city I was about to build that mirrors the heavens. Click the image to see the secret. It is also a completely parallel story on its own. (Perhaps come back and click this image below a little later). George Washington is pointing to the place where the great Pentagon was to be built. It would match what I believe can only be explained as a hidden secret ancient manuscript explaining human origins from the stars and a once colonised Mars! Why? Because Washington DC mirrors the Mars anomalies! The secret also includes how both the 'National Treasure' films revealed many Masonic clues.
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The secret behind the Key of Solomon collection of talismans will hold their own ground and lead to identifying the same star secret also held by both the Templars and the Freemasons. For now let's not speculate any further on Dan Brown's fictional account of The Lost Symbol and rather feast on the exciting material that has previously not been open to researchers since it was deemed 'forbidden history'. What you are about to read about has important references and is based on reasoning logic and with crucial comparison to something monumental that the ancients obsessed about from the earliest moments when humanity built its first great empires. The 'Chi-Rho' lost symbol: The Key of Solomon Introduction: A divine secret, perhaps once included in the genesis records of many great civilizations, has been hidden for millennia. The origin of the Solomon Seal and the hidden secret within the Solomon Key two invaluable pieces of history's enigmatic records, have been kept secret for far too long. The same secret you will soon bear witness to, appears to have been encrypted into the legacy of many ancient civilizations. Their most sacred artefacts and monuments invariably show evidence of it. However, more often than not, collections of historical texts fail to make clear mention of the Solomon Key secret and the meaning of its lost symbol. Why? It included records of something that did not fit into the dogma of war mongering and of the manipulation of societies. It would firstly prove that we are all the children of those that came from above and secondly it condemned war and slavery. Humanity has proven it has never ever thought along these lines. For as long as civilization has existed, tradition has dictated what its people should believe without free will. In many instances, from century to century, leaders have taken it upon themselves to influence the interpretation of the sacred records brought to civilization by those that once came from above. Leaders throughout history have commanded allegiance to their dictatorships by creating a God-fearing society. This was the only way these systems of governance could work. One must wonder how many of the original texts were altered to make them more palatable for their kingdoms. A difficult question to answer! However, if this really happened why should we be forced to follow tradition and pay the price of our ancestors’ misguided intentions and be deprived of this knowledge? More importantly, whatever happened to all the texts upholding the sacredness and sanctity of human life and happiness? With the disappearance, removal and omission of what appear to be many crucial, original and sacred teachings, civilization has been slowly slipping back into destructive chaos. The Solomon Key and lost symbol secret was probably discovered during an epoch where religion had changed considerably. So much so that the revived knowledge would not fit the tradition of the day and would need to be hidden. Since the time when the Solomon Key was supposedly discovered, the secret of King Solomon has remained surrounded by mysticism. Throughout history, religious figureheads have tried to keep its contents a tightly guarded secret. They needed to devise a means to take firm action against those that were found delving into its meaning. In all likelihood the lost symbol secret was intentionally embedded into destructive manuscripts on witchcraft. A society governed by religious convictions would no doubt allow extreme action to be taken against any individuals found in possession of forbidden manuscripts. They would be burned at the stake. More recently, some exciting new discoveries have been made that will facilitate the deciphering of its meaning. For the first time ever all the mechanisms are in place for the Solomon Key and its lost symbol to stand a chance of being considered as valuable knowledge. What is more, given the sensitivity of the subject, and its implications to humanity a substantial study is important. No doubt there are powerful and influential elements out there in whose interest it would be for this secret to remain hidden. King Solomon's Temple of the Human Form |
| The design plan of King Solomon’s Temple encapsulated what some scholars have recently suggested was a monumental representation of the divine nature of the human form. If this is true one has to wonder if both Solomon and the builders of the Temple at Baalbek were trying to make their landmarks visible from a high altitude for religious or other reasons. Its gargantuan size is easily visible from space. Consider for a moment why this could be important. Also, why choose the human form blueprint and why holding a key? Compare the pillar sizes and block sizes with that of the person standing between the bases of the highlighted pillars at Baalbek.
Here are more clues:
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The Clavicle of Solomon manuscript
King Solomon's secret revealed by Ptolomy the Grecian, as seen in the Sloane manuscript British Library, 3847 has one predominant depiction and encoded within it, appears to be the sacred cross that Emperor Constantine saw in the sky. But here, the entire secret is presented with all its detail. Let it be said that the Key of Solomon talisman (the parchment with the orange glow) holds the identical detail but with a different code. The balance of the Ptolomy manuscript is also completely immersed in what seems to be false destructive magic and alchemy used to take acion against those found with this manuscript. The image suggests that Solomon's secret symbol secret involves the sacred cross and Jesus the Saviour. Here is important speculation: The cross that Heretics were crucified on seems to have been carefully chosen symbolic punishment specifically aimed at silencing those who dared preach knowledge about forbidden records of the sacred cross in the sky... the lost and forgotten symbol. The small talisman next to the prime "Key" of Solomon talisman is one of the first simplified examples of the Sacred Cross insignia, the pattern of Solomon's secret as seen at the top of this website. This Sacred cross is the "Key" of Solomon... the "key" showing the way to truth. Its secret can be deciphered only from the way it actually appears in the sky exactly like the lost symbol icon shown in the 10 oclock position of the larger Solomon talisman. It is one that is also easily visible in the night sky today and has been revered by ancient civilizations from the beginning of time as explored in my book. In simplicity the ancient secret seems to use the three Belt stars of Orion to show the way in the sky to locate the postion of the Pleiades, then using the 'leg' shape of the Pleiades as a secondary pointer to find a special star. Ocasionally just the three belt stars are used without reference to the Pleiades using a set distance in the sky... 33 degrees of arc measurement. The codex of the Testament of King Solomon speaks of this measurement, just as masonic texts hint of it. (More on this celestial measurement follows). I found it interesting that virtually all ancient civilizations across the globe worshiped angelic beings that associate themselves with one special star in this area of the sacred bull of the heavens, as seen in many examples of ancient star maps I appears to have deciphered. Here is the evolution of our religions: Our earliest ancestors worshiped them as 'gods' from the stars - The ancient churches revered them as Angels and stars were encoded as 'demons'. In modern times they are ridiculed as the subject of celestial visitors in flying discs. |
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In the collection of records revealed by Ptolomy the Grecian, as seen in the Sloane manuscript (British Library, 3847) there is one very important secret sketch seen below - it has a small note next to the sketch beckoning the reader to remember proportion within the image. It is still nicknamed today as it was in ancient times: The cosmic signpost?. Solomon' secret of is the "Key" that shows the way... is Orion... Orion's Belt as a 'way shower'! The Key is also the Key of St Peter and the Key of Hiram Abiff! It shows the way to Tetragrammaton in the heavens. Mouse over the image |
Online source of the manuscript Click here For more on the history of all three Sun-like stars and the origin of the Trinity. Hebrew Ptolomy Clavicle/Key of Solomon legend Tetragrammaton An early Paleo-Hebrew word that with unclear definitive interpretation but generally refers to: "One that is of the highest position in the heavens - the house (place) of the Elohim" (See ref to 'house' in the Solomon Testament that follows). Judas Codex Christ shows Judas Solomon's secret knowledge as a star pattern in the sky see last few seconds of the documentary preview. |
Constantine's Sacred Cross - The Chi-Rho |
For three centuries after the crucifixion of The Christ, his followers were in very small numbers and they worshiped in secret. It was at a time when the Greek religions prevailed. These were primarily based around their ultimate god Zeus, worship of the Sun and the celestial bull of Mythras. Up until then, Christianity was a forbidden religion and those who were caught delving into it were fed to the lions for the entertainment of a very sadistic Roman population. What follows here, will initially appear to discredit Christianity, but once more truth emerges in its entirety, the significance of The Christ will become much clearer. History is about to reveal a great deal about The Christ that will suggest how human he really was, as opposed to being God incarnate. Many writers will no doubt see the opportunity in making a fast dollar in discrediting Christianity. However, it will soon also become clear that in all probability there is a more plausible possibility how one can interpret how The Christ claimed he was ‘God’ in specific texts. It is likely that the Creator of this vast universe spoke through him at important times (just as was the case with other great messengers in history). There is also no doubt that his ‘heavenly’ father was what history has recorded as the Eloheim. Who the Eloheim really were, will also become much clearer in this article. There is more to this messianic story than meets the eye and it will also elevate the significance of many of the other great messengers throughout history, as the truth associated with their lives begins to fit in with the fundamentals of what virtually all belief systems originally claimed before they were altered by mortal hand. In all probability, the new evidence that will be presented on this website will inspire even those who are self-proclaimed atheists. Around 300 years after the crucifixion of The Christ, Roman Emperor Constantine was the one who introduced Christianity as it stands to this day. Constantine claimed to have had an encounter that would be classed as a paranormal event today. It occurred before an important battle. He was visited by brightly dressed beings that came down from the heavens. The important message to him and his imposing army involved the witnessing of a sacred cross formation seen in the sky. He was told about its significance and that if he celebrated its importance, he would be triumphant. He subsequently decreed that his army’s shields be decorated with the cross insignia that is referred to as the Greek letters XP...Labarum or Chi-Rho. He was triumphant, and on returning to Rome probably realised that the ‘message’ he received was relevant to something hidden within the ‘original’ gospels of Christianity. The sacred cross secret must have coincided in some way. Why else would he begin to use this sacred Chi-Rho cross of the sky as the title representative of The Christ? It was also Constantine who would decide that only four out of the entire collection of gospels would be accepted into his version of Christianity. No doubt they were those texts that he believed would be the most palatable to a predominantly Mythras and Zeus worshiping society.
It is interesting to note that although The Christ and his apostles were originally Aramaic and Hebrew, the original four gospels that were chosen from at least 30 or so gospels, were already copies that were written in Greek, the predominant language of Rome at the time. One cannot help wondering what happened to the original Hebrew and Aramaic testimonies that were written around the time of The Christ. Another interesting point that can be made here is that the name of The Christ, who was believed to be the ‘son of God’ was a man born with the Hebrew name Yeshua, yet his name would become the spoken name “I-seous Chris-tus” after the time of Constantine. The adjustment is not a transliteration. It suggests that it may have been altered by the Romans, perhaps to introduce the greatness of The Christ to its people in a way that would be more acceptable to those of the old tradition of belief. The name Yeshua was changed to: “I-seous”, the pronunciation sounds remarkably close to the old spoken way meaning 'of Zeus' (Zeus was the previously accepted ultimate God of the Romans). The pronunciation of the name “Chris-tus” also sounds very close to an old way of describing a 'criss-cross' which became the way in English to explain the image of a cross. There are obviously a lot more pagan hidden records here suggesting this way of thinking since there were 12 apostles for the 12 seasons, the rebith of the Sun date of the 25th of December chosen as the 'birth' of Christ, as well as the Easter tradition adapted from the pagan tradition. 'Son' of God replaced 'Sun' of God and so forth. For now, let us assume that these are all just coincidences and due to the sensitivity of the matter, let scholars argue over how it was possible for so many alterations to be made by human hand to all the holy works. The celebration of the rebirth (rising) of the Sun each year on the 25th of December called Sol Invictus is important and will be looked at as it seems to have been confused with sacred stars that were just like our Sun. This date was chosen for celebration of the birth of the 'Son' of God. If this sounds like mere speculation, read on for further corroborating evidence that it is anything but chance. In many Renaissance paintings, like Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’, the apostles were often depicted into four groups of three, coincidently like the four seasons of the year. He was born of a virgin mother, like the earlier ‘gods’ and in many depictions shown as being breast fed by his mother, which is virtually identical to how the Egyptian Solar goddess Isis is portrayed. Some convincing evidence can be found in the earliest written gospels of The Christ story that will allow us to unravel part of the mystery: The birth of The Christ was recorded in the Greek gospel of Matthew without the traditional Sol Invictus “Sun rebirth” depiction in the sky. Instead preference was given to the significance of a special star being visible in the sky. This sheds light on some very important clues: What possible connection or interpretation similarity could there be between our Sun and another very important star in the sky? Especially in the context of the testimony of beings that came down from the heavens. One must also wonder about the importance of the very early accounts of a worldwide celebration of this star on top of a Yule tree that was especially selected because it has a conical shape? Was it possibly linked to the biblical Jacobs ladder account or was it perhaps inspired by something else? Without a doubt it appears to match the star at the centre of the larger Solomon Key talisman parchment on this web page, with what looks like a conical beam of light or ladder coming down from it.
When it comes to the Matthew gospel, scholars are still at loggerheads over whether the three ‘wise’ Magi or ‘Kings’ who supposedly came from the east, is an accurate interpretation. Many say they were probably not even people at all. Incidentally, the word Magi can also be interpreted as the study of the stars, probably more in the context of astronomy here than astrology. The word ‘wise’ is another clue when considering stars in this context. What it seems to hint at is wisdom that can be found if one knows the meaning of the strange collective meaning of the Three Magi/Kings. Everything here points towards a celestial solution… real stars. A possible alternative interpretation of the text also includes Solomon's secret that ws lost depicting the sacred cross that Constantine appears to have witnessed. It is an interpretation that becomes apparent when one considers the historical reference to the Three Kings 'of the sky":
Open a search window in the link to the Morals and Dogma Freemason historical text page below by pressing Ctrl F on your keyboard and word search these words or phrases: Ref: Three Kings of the East as stars of Orion - Morals and Dogma texts Another Ref: Also here (Note star obsession and star pattern on Masonic apron) For this reason let us consider the significance of the Three Magi as the belt stars of the constellation of Orion in the Matthew text, which in all probability is also the sacred cross of Constantine. In the general English traditional version of the Matthew text, in brief: The Three Kings from the East, ‘follow' the direction to a special star associated with the birth/beginnings of The Christ. Or, alternatively: The three stars of Orion’s belt> rise in the East, and if one follows the alignment, the direction one would ‘follow’ (eyesight) would be to a special star associated with the birth/beginnings of The Christ. In the alternative Matthew text interpretation, what the observer is following is the phenomenon of three stars rising in a row in the east. They direct one’s line of sight towards a star of great importance. The star ostensibly associated with the birth or beginnings of The Christ. What could be so important about a star one might ask? There is one thing, and one thing only, that stands out in the context of celestial beings (Messengers/Angels/Cherubim) that came down from above: What has to be considered is whether the star in question is a record, not only of a real star in the heavens, but also of a star system so to speak, a solar system that may have been the place of origin of the celestial visitors that history originally spoke of, namely the “Tetragrammaton” or the “Eloheim” This of course begs the question whether the cosmic beings were real flesh and blood entities, which were not only present in the form of spirit beings. No researchers seem to have recognised the matching visual detail. More recently, the lost gospel of Judas reveals a very important star reference that is made mention of. It is where The Christ speaks to Judas in his last hours. While pointing to a star in the heavens, The Christ says something along the lines: Behold Judas… this star is also your star to follow”. Once again this is remarkably similar in tone to the Matthew text, which beckons the Three Wise Men to ‘follow’ (in alignment) to the star of Bethlehem. National Geographic then inadvertently takes this story to a whole new level. The scene is of the night sky in the film footage and it seems to suggest that there is more to this story than scholars are currently prepared to comment on. The footage ‘coincidently’ depicts three bright stars in a row that align with one all-important star. (See earlier reference link for National Geographic video and star depiction). What also seems to be beyond coincidence, is the producer’s choice of showing the star in question with a slight yellow spectrum. This is the same colour spectrum as our Sun! By now many readers will be wondering what does this seemingly off track Christ story have to do with the Key of Solomon mystery, if anything? In the images to follow, the secret of a special star emerges in reference to its position compared to deciphered constellations extracted from the cipher puzzle. It unveils the full meaning of the ancient Hebrew Solomon Key pictogram cipher that many agree is the original ‘Key of Solomon’ secret. Solomons 'Key' is... Orion? Cracking the secret of the Hebrew Solomon Key cipher firstly requires its primary symbol deciphered, the symbol that is being pointed to on the parchment above, the icon referred to here as another forgotten symbol since its meaning here is forgotten! With my astronomy background and delving into the secrets of the ancient pyramid builders covered in my book, the Orion constellation became a very familiar constellation over the years. I found himself staring at this Hebrew cipher wondering why so many stars were being used... then it dawned on me! This is Orion... Orion is the "Key"! Orion is the "Key", the forgotten symbol of Solomon This thought made sense since the "Key" aspect is reasoned because next to it is the other talisman showing how the "Key" is celebrated in the churches! A 'criss-cross' symbol is shown precisely how the star constellation of Orion appears in the night sky, and it also appears to be represented in the smaller talisman (with the title 'Sacred Cross') where the icon was traditionally shown as a simplified insignia of a cross within a cross. This smaller talisman depicts the 'traditional' sacred cross detail in the larger talisman, with a very tiny star cluster detail comprising what astronomy terms: Orion's sword. (Orion's sword is the cluster that appears to be a line of what look like 4 blurred stars in a row where one of them has a red haze nebula around one of the stars). On an exceptionally clear night and with absolute perfect vision one can occasionally make out at least six of the tiny little stars in Orion's sword. The head of Orion is along the same line of alignment and is also comprised of another cluster of around four tiny stars. In the two sacred cross comparisons that are ringed in grey, the one on the absolute right is an enlargement of the Solomon Key icon where the sword (with 6 dots) is ringed in orange. Compare this with the slight hint of the star cluster detail in the circled image titled 'Sacred Cross', where it too has its counterpart circled in orange. |
I was certain since I sent this material to Dan Brown through his agent over a year ago, if he is a real researcher he would no doubt have something worth while to say about this key piece of evidence. It is after all, the oldest Hebrew talisman in the most popular Key of solomon manuscript collections in the British Library. But he chose to avoid it. Could the forgotten symbol of the cross within a cross insignia (labelled 'sacred cross' in the image above) be the very same sacred cross seen in the blue icons below it that have evolved as the religiously revered sacred cross in all variations of Christian religion? This is a very sensitive question. Theologians agree that the 'sacred cross' is not the cross that The Christ was crucified on, yet no theologian has explained what exactly the historical versions of the cross insignia shown in blue represent. This in itself is a question that has remained unanswered for far too long. It appears to be the very same cross as the Greek 'Chi-Rho' pattern that Constantine was shown in the sky, which he then inscribed on his army's shields. It is therefore quite probable here in the image above that the two encircled depictions of crosses are one and the same. This is an important breakthrough in theology if it turns out to be true and many will soon see that it is also the key to deciphering the meaning of the layout of the Vatican City, especially the St Peter's Piazza at the Basilica in Rome, which was designed in the form of the forgotten cross symbol, Constantine's great cross. The strange thing was the choice of inserting a sun worshiping Egyptian obelisk in the middle of it. It is obviously a clue to inspire the interpretation of the secret, but in the context of all the positions of the Egyptian obelisks in Rome. It is not at all strange therefore that the statue of St Peter is holding a 'key', while he points down the great causeway towards the east in the direction of the great secret. (Another spectacular clue that will be explored later). St Peter was crucified on a cross. Perhaps what the Romans were trying to do, was send out a strong warning: All those who speak openly about secret knowledge on the sacred cross would be put to death on a cross. The meaning of the sacred cross was probably a secret only shared among the Elite. Note how the earliest Chi-Rho symbol in the image above has a 'P' with an arrow head on it as if to signify a pointer phenomenon. Note how in the earlier talisman depictions on this web page (the group of three talismans) the Chi-Rho icon is also included in these, together with Orion clues. Now look back also at the animation overlay image of the earlier Clavicle of Solomon insignia and how it too seems to celebrate the Orion constellation showing the way to the location of a star that is associated with Tetragrammaton, that i believe is speaking of beings referred to as 'the Eloheim' that are in our form and our likeness! Note how 'coincidently' the Orion shaped icon, the forgotten symbol in the larger Key of Solomon talisman above, has its belt stars in alignment with the star shown in the middle of the talisman that is depicted with four tiny little circles around it. Even if one accepts there is only a grain of truth to the probability that the Bethlehem star is the very same 'Judas star', which can be found using Orion as a cosmic sign post, then one is ready to read further. If not, then in all probability you the reader have not had the chance to click on the all important reference links that elevate this article on to solid ground. But which way is it that one would need to follow from the three in a row alignment of the belt stars of Orion? Do we follow the alignment to the brightest star in the night sky to Sirius, or do we follow in the other direction towards the ecliptic, (the path of the Sun), towards the area of the celestial bull? There is a solution and it is concluded from what seems to be a massive collection of hidden records that only a handful of people are presently aware of. Chinon parchment recently released from Vatican The Chinon Parchment was treated as a secret document up until recently when the Vatican decided to release it.
It documents Pope Clement V secretly forgiving an Elite group of Templars in 1314 saving them from being burned at the stake like all the other Templars. There is a translation here. One could speculate that the incentive of Pope Clement V involved protecting these powerful people if maintaining a greater portion of their weath and securing the treasures the Templars spoke of... a 'true cross' and perhaps even the 'real'
Holy Grail
itself. Tradition speaks of the true cross as a piece of wood from the crucifixion cross of Christ. I suggest that the reference is the sacred knowledge of the true cross, the same cross of the heavens seen by the founder of Christianity, Emperor Constantine, because the true cross, the Sacred Cross of the sky is depicted on the Chinon document seen below. It is sketched between two other secret depictions of the sacred cross, one involving what looks like a 'key' below it and what looks like some sort of physical ornament above it. |
Let us now take a closer look at the larger Solomon talisman on the parchment (below right) and question if there are any clues as to where the most important star of this talisman, (the star at its centre with four circles and a beam of light coming down from it) can actually be found and documented in the heavens. |
What could the square around the star symbolise with two partial curves on either side of it? Why are the stars around the outer rim depicted with little lines extended from them? In astronomy these two clues alone speak volumes!
Biblical references to sacred stars When it comes to direct references to sacred star constellations in the Bible, there are four distinct references, and two star groups stand out far more than any other. It is as if all the other stars in the heavens are just stars, except for Orion and the Pleiades: Job 9:9 'Who created Arcturus, Orion and the Pleiades?' Amos 5:8 'Seek the Creator of the seven stars of the Pleiades and those of Orion.' Amos 5:26 'But ye have borne the tabernacle of your 'Moloch' and 'Chiun' your images, the star of your god which ye made to yourselves.' Job 38:31 'Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or the band of Orion.' The significance of the alignment of Orion's belt seems evident here. The use of the word 'bind' is clear: To present the stars as sacred knowledge collective groups in their records by joining/binding the important stars together. It is done by joining lines to outline a constellation, or more importantly to highlight a ritual of sacred knowledge using King Solomon's 'magic' ring. This will be reasoned below. Note also usage of 'star of your god' in close reference to the Pleiades Orion text in the book of Amos. Book of Revelation 1:16 "In The Christ's right hand... seven stars" The Pleiades: Scholars agree that the only stars generally referred to as 'seven stars' at the time of The Christ were the Pleiades. The seven stars are also spoken of in the Bible in two other texts, but here the name of the Pleiades was included. The symbolism, like that of the Matthew text, contains an encoded allegory that only the wealthy minority of the well educated would be in a position to reason. This style of encoding symbolism is repeated in another codex that follows, and more detail will be found here like no other manuscript to date. The Book of Revelation also makes mention of symbolism. Seven candles in the sky with the seven stars: The Hebrew Menorah. Is this not the answer to the origin of the sacred Menorah? The meaning of the Menorah could be the celebration in one's home of the seven sacred celestial lights of the Pleiades. It is said that the Star of David itself also represents the seven sacred stars in the heavens (six points and its centre seven). Could it be symbolic of the Star of David representing a special star? What has to be researched, if it is associated with the area of the seven stars, are the clues that have been left behind. This can be compared to the Masonic sacred star (later) where a seven pointed star is depicted as the ultimate Blazing Star with reference to the orientation and close proximity of seven other stars (see later). The Star of David originates from King Solomon's father, King David, and it is said to be comprised of one triangle overlaid over another that is inverted. What does this mean? This symbolism will now be explored and compared to the American one dollar bill and something important that follows a little later. The secret involves two other nearby Sun-like stars to add to the story, but not forgetting that this story is still focused on the most important Sun-like star out of the three ... a Trinity. The triangle in the heavens appears to be the inverted triangle, which will soon be debated if it represents either the holy trinity above, as three spirits in the heavens, or represents three solar deities as a Trinity (see link below). The latter predates the other. I believe it represents three sun-like stars near the Pleiades in the heavens. Giving extensive references in book and this website I conclusively claim that there are nearby sun-like stars accurately represented in the area of the Pleiades in the records left behind by virtually every ancient civilisation who built grand monuments. My theories will be compared on this website in the context of what follows. I believe the triangle in the sky is formed by joining the three sun-like stars, and on the ground the triangle pointing upward represents the shape of a pyramid or temple the traditional symbolism of: 'As above so below.' For more on the history of all three Sun-like stars and the origin of the Trinity... Click here. In the Testament of Solomon, the Hebrew Menorah of seven candle sticks is clearly quoted by King Solomon in context of its celestial representation as stars. But here the truth seems clear, suggesting seven stars aligning towards the place of those that come from above. King Solomon asks about the secrets and ritual of celebration of what reads as celebration of seven such stars in the heavens that seem to align to the 'ultimate star', the 'Wain' star of thy 'house' in the heavens: Ref: Solomon Testament Codex. Search the key words using Ctrl F to see in context: light seven lamps in a row, fix thy house "Hear, O king... light SEVEN LAMPS in a row, thou wilt firmly FIX THY HOUSE... |
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See also seven candlesticks as Pleiades in the Book of Revelation: |
"Seven Candlesticks and the Seven stars" - The second coming.
With greatest of respect to the Hebrew and Christian community I propose this hypothesis in the image above. It is just a hypothesis after all, although its human uplifting meaning challenges traditional interpretation due to all the other supportive evidence of this star pattern. The grand meaning of the icon includes ALL of humanity as its chosen race, and not just those of one belief. The triangle of three 'Sunlike stars' as a trinity in the heavens near the Pleiades merge over the ultimate temple, the pyramid on the ground to form the Star of David... and yes... a real 'star' of David. The seven candle lamps in a row show the way (as a celestial alignment like the belt stars of Orion) to the star of David. |
The One Dollar bill secret star code The image above should be compared to the seals on the American one dollar bill. If one looks closely at the dollar bill, the pyramid seal has its capstone floating in an illuminated scene just as the grouping of stars in the counterpart seal. One merely has to overlay one illuminated theme over the other to experience its enlightening secret. Not only does it create the Hebrew Star of David, there is more. See the flash image below as one illumination is placed over the other and note also how the wingtips of the eagle, and its feet and its tail touch the letters M-A-S-O-N when the whole seal is carefully overlaid over the other. Are we seeing proof of three stars in the heavens as the triangle pointing down to Earth, while the temple or pyramid is the triangle pointing heavenward thus representing the stars on the ground? Watch the Flash animation (lower seal) very closely. 'As above so below.'
A Freemason ring repeats the pattern of the US one dollar bill seal overlay with what appears to be a solar trinity, flanking all three sides of the ultimate monument on the ground, the pyramid. It also forms the Hebrew star of David shape in this way, perhaps worn by one illuminated with the knowledge of the three Sun-like stars of the heavens linking to our beginnings with our Sun, which in this case is set in the middle. It could also be interpreted as the one in the middle is the blazing star and the one at the bottom of the triangle our Sun as in the Pre Christian Solar Trinity historical records.
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The Messianic Seal below shows how two symbols that I believe means the same thing as an overlay to form the Star of David. Both symbols seem to represent the Pleiades. The fish is deciphered from the Roman Denari coin dated around pre 300AD and the Menorah as seen above. The coin also places the sacred celestial cross of Orion on the sacred horizon being reborn on a sacred day, as in the Washington secret that follows. A Hebrew Christian following used this combined symbol to show how to remember to find the location of the sacred star in the heavens using two traditions. Click the image for more on the double symbol Messianic Seal of Jerusalem following. |
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It is important to mention that the most common sacred ancient Sumerian and Persian star depictions and 'gods' found on hundreds of scroll seals now in museums across the globe are: The Pleiades. Here is a collection of seals on my spiritual research site on the common grounds of the Crescent and the Cross at oneism.org. (There are 5 excellent scroll seal examples in the British Museum labelled as the Pleiades). |
Sacred geometry in the British 20 Pound note The 20 Pound note of British currency appears to hold a similar Hebrew star encoded secret to the US note. Look closely at the image below. The building visible is The Bank of England and it has a little more history tied to Rome than many are aware of and by clicking the link here one can see. In th link above press Ctrl F and search these words in context...
'Temple of the Sun' and 'Constantine' |
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The Book of Revelation Return of the Christus The predominant theme in the Biblical Revelation text is the return of the Christus. The seven stars he holds most likely symbolise the place in the heavens where he originates from. He will arrive riding a 'cloud' (see the Ezekiel article a little earlier for what is in the cloud). There is also strong symbolism here of a two-edged sword coming out of his mouth in the next line. It suggests he will fight the leaders of destructive society with his words. A graphic re-enacted image is shown here. Copyright limits the use freely only on a home-based computer as a wallpaper, but it may not be used for any publication without permission. Click the image to save it as a wallpaper or if you want to see more clues encoded inside the image. |
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See the star positions in the above image to reason the three Magi 'following' the way to an important star, 'the Bethlehem star'. There is one really special codex (ancient text) to follow, which is going to bring more clarity to the grand secret. One that refers primarily to the Pleiades and Orion and a special star, but this ancient text adds even more: It provides complete decoding of the detail found on the famous zodiac disc at the Temple of Dendera in Egypt that has baffled historians for centuries. The 1700 year-old Testament of Solomon codex The Testament of Solomon codex is stored at the Paris Library and a link to one of the translations by F. C. Conybeare with comments by scholar J.H. Peterson will be referenced below with its online source. Please use the reference links as the key words in bold that follow below are actually highlighted in the sourced Solomon Testament document online. The 1700 year old codex originates probably as a translation from many earlier versions, and was perhaps rewritten at the same period in time as the Judas Codex was written. Since it is supposed to have been originally written by King Solomon who existed another 1300 years before this date, one wonders how many altering translation interpretations it was subject to. The codex reveals many new secrets about King Solomon. Its tone suggests that Solomon was very typical of the God fearing nations of this epoch and his character here is nothing at all like the greatness with which he is portrayed in the traditional biblical epic. In this manuscript he implements slavery to build his great temple and his interest in many women comes across as obsessive. He is said to have had many wives, and fathered many children. If this is true then his direct descendants today would probably number in the millions.
Another captivating theme one comes across in the manuscript is King Solomon's 'magic' ring given to him by an angel and how he uses it to do something unusual to some magical mythological oddities translated as 'demons' (some of which are really not entirely that evil). The latest carefully reconstructed image of the ring is seen here, as proposed by me. The reasoning of its design will follow. As already suggested, the identity of the demons conclusively has nothing to do with spiritual entities at all, and the obvious meaning becomes clear instantly. An encrypted star code was identified within the Testament of Solomon years ago initially by scholars although very little was said.
Star constellations encoded as 'binding demons' What appears conclusive from earlier scholars and my measurable research here, is that this codex contains a dramatised fictional mythological account of how the ancients interpreted secret knowledge of the stars. The description of the 'demons' and their so-called 'binding' are the means to identify real star constellations. In some cases angels are mentioned and these are probably real celestial visitors who were teachers of the star secret. Their technology seemed to produce miracles that were seen to be magic. It would appear that the scribes of the Elite have re-encoded the original 3000 year old testament with all its secrets into a dramatised mythological tale to encapsulate the enigma of the heavens, notably the stars. It seems to be exactly the same methodology found in the Clavicular Solomanis manuscript where some hidden cosmic truths of the same theme are present. The most interesting thing from an astronomer's point of view is where Solomon speaks of 'binding' each 'demon'. Now if Solomon is doing so with his ring, he is performing something astronomers do today when pointing to the stars. Just like at my star viewing evenings. Astronomers use high wattage laser pointers and re-create the path between the stars visually, and in a sense, also teach of the 'binding' of the star constellations. This extreme sounding interpretation is not so bizarre when it is read in the context of the Solomon text. The ring is most likely an advanced compact lighting device to outline the important star patterns and their secrets while his people watch and learn. It is therefore highly probable that the angelic beings who visited Solomon gave him this ring as a device to teach his people, of the secret of the stars and the place of the Eloheim. The interpretations of the codex are still debated among scholars to this day. A scholar J.H. Peterson partly identifies the strange likeness of the so-called 'demons' to description of the zodiac constellations. The scholar has also recognised that the Pleiades are mentioned here. See text ref below. The Menorah mentioned earlier is also in the Solomon Testament. Solomon writes: 'Seven lamps in a row thou wilt firmly fix thy house.' Ref: Solomon Testament Codex. Search the key words using Ctrl F to see in context: This sounds remarkably similar to my theory that the Menorah celebrates the stars' alignment as another cosmic signpost: The Pleiades showing the way to an important star. Just as the belt stars of Orion also show the way, but more refined and in closer proximity to the special star. It is also near the path of the moon (Ecliptic) associated with King Solomon. See reference below. Here is another very important clue on the talisman and it is easily reasoned. It helps in identifying more coordinates in deciphering the position of the star at its centre which appears to be the objective of the talisman puzzle. The image below is an expanded version of what is within the square on the talisman (compare it to the next image). The Ecliptic (the path of the Sun) is an important celestial coordinate and here is the proof. I noticed the usage of the ancient Egyptian symbolism, a glyph of the Sun on the horizon and I believe it is represented twice here. The Egyptians called it the Akhet and here it seems to represent both Sunset and Sunrise. Not only that, Orion is about to prove its interpretation with one more little piece of evidence. Orion is placed at the 10 o'clock position on the talisman, and in this exact orientation for good reason. |
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Orion matches this orientation above the Western horizon It also places the sacred star where the ancients consider it sacred... when it is just above the horizon! This is fantastic not only as presenting an ideal match but it is about to reveal the rest of the puzzle clues. It suggests there is another constellation to be deciphered here and one that can reveal its coordinate intersection and orientation on an Eastern Horizon position... above Sun rise.
In the Solomon Testament codex, mention is also made of an important constellation of seven stars that is near to the most sacred star which apears also to be important in ancient Egypt. It is translated as the 'Wain' star near a group of seven other 'demons' (stars). It was perhaps the same star near the most sacred constellation that the Egyptians celebrated as the leg/thigh depiction and it was also of the great celestial bull (Most likely Taurus). For years scholars have been guessing that this thigh shape depiction of a cluster of stars had nothing to do with Taurus and they thought it was the Great Bear constellation, (again this interpretation is unlikely because those stars are not near the ecliptic). I had found (depicted in my book) that it matches the Pleiades convincingly, which is thigh shaped, is also in Taurus and is near the ecliptic. Perhaps it also fits the talisman puzzle? Ref: Solomon Testament Codex. Search the key words using Ctrl F to see in context: Before going any further it is now time to complete the Solomon Talisman secret. Enough clues have been identified to complete the deciphering of the last few conclusive details. We already have identified Orion earlier and that it is orientated to align with the 'ultimate' star in the middle, just like the belt of Orion is the way to find it in the heavens. |
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Furthermore, the star matches its position claimed in the Solomon Testament, which is just below the ecliptic. The ecliptic was mentioned in the text and it seems to match the talisman! The meaning of the square and the two curves on each side of the star as we have just seen most likely represent sunrise and its path to sunset - the Ecliptic. The four Hebrew words apparently around the square represent the four most important Angels of the Hebrews. This is to be expected since the star secret can only have come from celestial visitors. This leaves one more unsolved detail - the outer star ring puzzle. Earlier we spoke of 'binding' the stars and in astronomy one does this creating little lines between the stars forming a group, a constellation. There are little lines on the outer star circle . All one needs to do is sequentially assemble the puzzle and methodically doing so in an anti-clockwise direction, starting from the Orion alignment showing the way to the first puzzle piece. Here is the solution. The animation below reveals the Solomon Key star secret as the star system of the four angels and most likely the star of the 'Eloheim' as it aligns with Orion's belt, positioned below the ecliptic. Its ingenious methodology is recreated as Solomon 'binds' the 'demons'- the stars. BEHOLD... THE SOLOMON KEY CIPHER DECODED |
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Already we have virtual proof with an orientation match where the forgotten cross symbol clearly fits as Orion since it matches orientation and points to the 'mystery star' position (centre of talisman) at its most sacred place in the heavens... just above the Eastern horizon. The puzzle is completed with the star icons in the outer ring being pieced together in an anti-clockwise order to form the Pleiades. It is depicting the Pleiades in an exact orientation that can be tested on a computer star atlas. As expected... Here it is below, matching with similar orientation over the Sun Rise position perfectly East, aligned with the Vatican causeway, seen on a star computer program at a very early epoch. Now here is an interesting experiment. Using a star atlas there is one date where both Orion and the Pleiades have an appropriate match in Rome or Jerusalem where the solomon Key parchment has an exact match. It occurs on the 25th December and very true as far back as 3000BC... where the mystery star target is perfectly due West on the horizon, and exactly 12 hours later on the Eastern horizon at 7.40pm for the Pleiades where the same mystery star target is also perfectly placed due East. For those with star programs, log in this date and time on a computer star atlas with Rome as the place of view and see the obvious. The same target position of a missing star is revealed using two different constellation references, one placed perfectly West and the other 12 hours later on the Eastern horizon. This perfect pattern match with the Solomon Key talisman occurs on other dates including around 2000BC as shown in the images and a lot closer to the building date of the Vatican. I believe the importance here is that the talisman reproduces two unique constellations with accurate orientations perfectly East and West on the same day for one single little mysterious star on the horizon that I had found to be Sun-like! The same two patterns are visible from Jerusalem but at a slightly different time of the day. These interesting dates will be listed shortly with further reasoning. Orion is beneath the horizon so the two alignment lines cross... from Orion's three belt stars in a row... and now the Pleiades as the Egyptian 'leg of the bull' constellation alignment placed over the Eastern horizon. The coordinates are multiple and measurable at the very same position near the ecliptic that was found with the Orion alignment! All that remains is to test what star is in this position on the horizon and at what ancient epoch. |
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Is it just coincidence that Dan Brown used the title "Angels and Demons", seeing that it clearly means : "Heavenly Visitors" and "The Stars"? How do the obelisks and seven hills of Rome fit the star secret? What is special about Sol Invictus - 25th December at the Vatican? Does the Dendera Zodiac star disc of Egypt hold the same secret? How does the layout of Washington DC fit the star secret? What is unique about the sky in Washington on the 4th of July? |
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The Freemason First Degree Tracing board (above)... What great secret does it hold and how does it connect to the Solomon Secret? |
Testament of Solomon codex reveals star knowledge Dan Brown did not include the Testament of Solomon's secret code in his book 'Lost symbol'. It reveals a star secret and connection to the Solomon Key pictogram and is full of awe inspiring eye opening material that would have kept readers gasping for more if he used it. Many important star names in astronomy have their origins in the beginnings of great civilisations, especially those that were seen to be most sacred. As was to be expected, some star names in our two sacred constellations coincide with the names of “demons” and fit into the codex in exactly the same positions as they do in the sky. (See references that follow): The text begins with the prime “demon” Ornias (Orion?). Followed by Beelzeboul (sounds like the star Betelgeuse in Orion). Followed by Onoskelis (sounds similar to the star Bellatrix in Orion). There is also mention of a group of three “demons”: Bultala, Thallal, Mechal (sounds very close to Mintaka Alnilam and Alnitak, the names of the belt stars of Orion). The text also generalises a larger place in the heavens as Tartarus (sounds close to Taurus). The reference link below has the key words highlighted in the codex: Ref: Solomon Testament - Search Highlighted text at link with Ctrl 5 - Ornias, Beelzeboul, Onoskelis, Bultala, Thallal, Melchal, Tartarus In the recently released Judas codex translation, Christ claims he is about to reveal to Judas the “ultimate secret” about a special star which is also Judas’ star “to follow”. The same spoken theme appears in the Solomon Testament codex suggesting that one must ‘follow’ towards one particular star on the ecliptic. (This text most likely suggesting the alignment of Orion’s belt showing the way). How do we know it is on the ecliptic? Twice the Solomon Testament mentions that a sacred star is positioned near the path of the moon, which is on the ecliptic. So we already have a co-ordinate reference. In fact it gives a lot more: It claims the star is sometimes seen on the edge of the crescent horn moon so we now know exactly how close it is to the ecliptic path since we know the radius of the moon. Then mention is made, like in Greek tradition, of the seven sisters of the Pleiades – a group of seven female “demons”. The reference link below identifies where in the text these points (in bold font) are as key words which are highlighted in the codex: Ref : Solomon Testament - Search Highlighted text and click Ctrl 5 at link below - thirty-three, cosmic ruler, fix thy house, crescent horn moon, follow, Seven lamps, in a row, seven stars, Pleiades, star Masonic iconology – coincidence? But there is another breakthrough here that will unlock the mystery of the exact place where our theorised mystery star resides in the heavens. It will also suggest an interpretation of what appears to be the secret of the Masonic ritual ascending up a cosmic ladder to their blazing star. There is also text in the Solomon Testament that coincidently seems to be identical to the Freemason sacred degree measurement of “ascending” to their highest degree ranking – the 33 degree. In Freemasonry one has to wonder if the 33 degree level represents the celebration of “the missing” cosmic measurement that has been absent all along. A measurement that would define how far one would have to travel with a cosmic ruler, so to speak, in alignment with Orion’s belt to find what is termed the Freemason blazing star. In old way of speaking: To fix thy house in the heavens – the place of the Eloheim. The 1700 year old Solomon Testament claims that 33 elements of the cosmic ruler of the heavens are measured to follow to something sacred. |
| See the reference link above to find the highlighted keywords in the codex.
I believe I have found the correlation. To explain the complicated detail only an image will do justice to this particular breakthrough. Here is a re-created view (below) of how the sky generally appears in the Northern Hemisphere when Orion rises vertically on the horizon in the East at a particular time that will be mentioned further on. (Note - scale sizes of the Pleiades and Orion have been enlarged for clarity). Observing the stars rising on the horizon in the East was an ancient Egyptian ritual to identify sacred stars with sunrise. The image depicts how one can find the location of what appears to be the ultimate sacred star using only a pair of dividers and a setsquare. The tiny star is catalogued as a class D spectrum Sun-like star. Coincidently these two instruments form the icon of the Freemasons The dimensions solved so far: X = Moon radius from Ecliptic The dimension Y will be explained further on where it not only fits proportionally in George Washington’s star map, it fits many other ancient star maps that will be referenced at the end of this article. |
"We are of the thirty-three elements of the cosmic ruler of the darkness." Ref: Search these words in context in the link by using Ctrl 5 - Testament of Solomon. A quotation extract from the codex where an 'entity' of the seven stars of the Pleiades speaks to King Solomon of the place of their heavenly 'house' (words are highlighted in codex link above for easy location). Note the usage of the dividers and the setsquare. This is close to the mechanism of how the sextant works for ancient ship navigators… except the angle of 33 degrees is set. Here is how you find the star with these two instruments. As Orion’s belt rises in the east as seen in the image, set a perpendicular rod into the ground in front of you using a set square or a plumb line so it stands vertically, as you look eastwards. Then set your dividers at 33 degrees and one arm of your dividers with the highest star of Orion’s belt above horizon while both arms of the dividers are pointing through the vertical rod plane in front of you. Now view along the other divider arm heavenwards (thus at 33 degrees from Orion’s belt highest star). Here is where the special star resides although it is too small to see with the naked eye. With a little more initiative, like an astronomer, the same basic process can be carried out using a telescope aligned at 33 degrees above Orion’s belt. Ever since this ancient epoch, astronomy has always measured in the very same original unit – arc degrees. Here is an important thought to ponder on: If it turns out that this secret in the image above is true and was celebrated in ancient civilisations throughout history, then one must wonder if there are any modern monument layout plans that could incorporate this secret when viewed from the heavens? The reasoning: To attract our advanced ancestors to revisit once again. It would be quite easy to construct such a landmark. The way to do it would be: In place of the rod/pole that is set standing perpendicular in the ground, perhaps build a massive pillar with an arrowhead pointing skyward but try do it including an ancient style or tradition. But even more to the point, perhaps build one’s official meeting place in an important place so the visitors (advanced human beings that history revered as Angels) are guided where to meet for first contact so to speak. Such a building or residence would need to be built projecting a clue skywards that the secret is known here, perhaps recreating the point where one would view the event from (in the image above), the area where the eye is shown. One would merely depict the 33 degree dividers on the ground leading towards the meeting place. This is going to make a lot of sense at the end of the article. We have just seen that the binding of the heavens by joining stars with little lines, spoken in the text is also the key to unlocking the oldest sourced talismans, and we are now about to see it unlock the secret of another un-deciphered enigma about one of the oldest star records in ancient Egypt. Stonehenge... the "x" that marks the spot - Ra symbol The circumpunct is found in the beginnings of many ancient civilizations as it was used with their greatest monuments to mark on the ground the place in the heavens of their legendary star ancestors. A very bold statement perhaps, but it is a theory that is completely measurable. Stonehenge has previously been found to be quite different to the Pyramids of Egypt? but scholars have missed the obvious. They not only repeat the monument layout of the most important pyramids and obelisk of Abusir in ancient Egypt but it uses the Ra hieroglyph on the ground. It is in the same way Dan Brown suggests the Washington Monument, an Egyptian design obelisk has the circumpunct symbol at is base. Stonehenge ref you will soon see also repeats the same layout plan as Washington DC and the Freemason First Degree Tracing board! In fact Stonehenge IS the Solomon Key just made from stone monoliths! These ancient places all hold the same message of the position of a special star? the star of Ra, the star of Bethlehem, the star of David, the star of the Inca, the Maya and even the Chokwe tribe in Africa. Click the image to see the star comparison that appears to be a global obsession where the ancients worshiped our ancestors who came from the stars. |
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There are many talisman depictions of Solomon and here are a few. The Seal of Solomon would also need to be compared to find out if it also speaks of the same message. |
DENDERA ZODIAC DISC WITH ORION The Dendera zodiac disc at the temple of Hathor at Dendera, up until now has had scholars argue inconclusively about its complete meaning. It has at it centre, what appears to be a clear representation of the genesis of the “Wain”/thigh constellation (Pleiades). The stars’ “birth” created so to speak from the Hippo goddess Tawaret’s womb, and hence the reason for its positioning in the most important place in the disc. The thigh constellation is represented here most likely as the “Wain” constellation as mentioned in the Testament of Solomon codex. It is fair to reason this interpretation here as the Pleiades because it fits far more perfectly than any other constellation. The image here presents more on the Dendara star secrets. By clicking the image it will take you to the author’s book website where the full story will be explored… but consider coming back to this evidence later, so as not to break the flow of what follows. For now, consider the interpretation of the thigh of the bull constellation as the Pleiades, and its correct orientation with the genesis hippo goddess and her womb, and the orientation position of two important sun-like stars. The star cluster orientation match will be measured in the sky further on as it rises above the eastern horizon. As it rises above the horizon in ancient Egyptian tradition, it symbolises its “rebirth” so to speak. |
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The Solomon Testament mentions all the Zodiac star representations and their mythological characters as seen in the Dendera disc. But there are many other components that need clarifying for it to be considered as a complete match. The 36 Decans of the sky are in the Solomon Testament and in the outer perimeter of the Dendera disc. The Milky Way diagonal and the Ecliptic diagonal appear to be there too. Both are in the correct orientation if the thigh of the bull constellation is that of the Pleiades. The Pleiades form part of the bull constellation of Taurus.
Ezekiel's Flying Wheels With Domes of Crystal The aforementioned very thought provoking statement makes greater sense at the hands of the very ancient biblical epics of Moses and Ezekiel. Like the Key of Solomon, these accounts are also ancient Hebrew accounts that dealt with the presence of Cherubim and the connections here can lead us to a greater understanding of the hidden truth.
Click the image below for a larger depiction. At present the rights are only available for it to be used as a wallpaper or free printable poster.
(Ref: B. Meier sighting and contact with beings of human lineage (that history revered as angels) that said they were from a star near the Pleiades).
Lalibela sacred cross matches the talisman Lalibela in Ethiopia, Africa, is a valuable historical site where there are 12 churches that were ‘magically’ cut out of solid rock. A mystery that is still today considered a miracle by the Christian priests that protect it. This ancient site, high above the source of the Nile River is also known for another claim its leaders of the great stone churches have made for centuries. They say they are the keepers of another Solomon secret. They claim to protect the original golden Ark of the Covenant from the Solomon Temple when it was destroyed. They occasionally hold an annual procession through the street with a dummy ark and carry many gold and silver sacred cross artifacts. These ornate crosses reproduce another matching interpretation to Constantine’s sacred cross as Orion and a special star. Image follows shortly. When looking at the layout of Lalibela and its rock churches (highlighted areas below), note how the area highlighted in blue is shaped like a bull’s thigh theorised by me to represent the Pleiades. The most intricately carved church is also the most famous of the stone churches (highlighted in yellow within a circle) and it is located in the celestial position when representing the special star of the heavens. Compare this ancient secret with the layout of Washington DC below. Is the match a coincidence and are there any more ancient sites to compare this pattern with? The answer is yes. See the end of the article links to ancient sites. |
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The Arkadian Sumerian link and Malik Shah Another forgotten ancient site in Iran holds more clues to this star secret and what we find at this site will also be compared with Lalibela above as well as Washington DC. It is an area that compares with the largest man made monuments on this Earth. But it will also be compared with what appears to be the remains of some of the largest ancient monuments found on another planet…. Mars. Malik Shah was explored over seventy years ago by British explorers who were able to fly over it and photograph what they referred to as the remains of ruins like the barrows of Silbury Hill in the UK but many times larger and flatter. One is symmetrically oval and one has the typical bull’s thigh shape. Although they appear like a collection of mine dumps, scholars have concluded they are ancient ruins and should be compared to the pyramid civilisations. In the image below the leg shape area still needs verification as no scholar has been able to comment but the latest image shows it is a reality in shape and full of what look like excavation marks. Compare the thigh anomaly here with the insert image of the Dendera thigh constellation of ancient Egypt, then compare the oval anomaly with the same “x” monument that marks the spot on Mars. The link is at the bottom of the page. Mars and Malik Shah have the same flat oval design. The remains on one of them resembles a human face. |
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Vatican Sacred Cross matches the talisman The star secret has most likely been so well protected over the millennia that only a few centuries ago the new inheritors of the encoded manuscripts obviously did not get a chance to learn how to decode it. Who were the inheritors of the encoded manuscripts? The Vatican and secret society perhaps? The Vatican has the largest sacred cross depiction of Constantine ever built. It is designed, just like the Basilica church as a cross to be viewed from the heavens. Ponder on this reasoning. If it is to be viewed from the heavens, then one has to wonder what the original Vatican City layout looks like, when viewed from the heavens. There is a great causeway, like the Egyptian causeways, facing east, Taking Solomon's secret cross visible as the sacred cross in the piazza, and it aligns with a giant star shaped fortress. (This is the Castel Sant Angelo Star fortress that Dan Brown included in ‘Angels and Demons’). Why does the main part of Vatican City look like a giant key? Is it the same “key” secret as the “Key” of Solomon and the “key” of Hiram of the Freemason epic? Is it the same key that the statue of St. Peter holds in his hand at the Vatican while he is pointing to the great star castle down the causeway at the Vatican? These exciting clues can be explored in great detail when walking from each obelisk site to the other. (For more on this story later click the prime Vatican image with the pope or the link at the end of the article).
Solomon's secret star template of Orion used to locate a special star. A connection can now be identified between four themes where the stars of Orion seem to be represented as showing the way to a special star. It begins with the earlier animation at the beginning of this article that showed the first example of how Solomon's secret of Orion’s belt stars seem represented to align with the position of one important star out of a group of important stars, then it was followed with the Key of Solomon talisman. Now these will be compared with two more examples of this Solomon's secret template pattern. |
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The breathtaking result above confirms a match with the two earliest examples of the Solomon talismans, as well as artefacts found in Lalibela (see cross in image above), compared to the Vatican layout plan. They all seem to hold the same secret. Why does the Vatican causeway face east? Does the sky match the ground on a special day? Was the ancient solar worship ritual of Sol Invictus on the 25th of December replaced with celebration of the place of origin of the Christus? All of these secrets have answers that can be well reasoned. In Rome, all three sun-like stars positions seem to be represented in their right places with the correct orientation. The Seven Hills of Rome were probably the reason why Rome was built where it is today, because it had a natural pattern match to the stars of the Pleiades. Look closely at the Vatican re-enacted view of the Pope at his ceremony on Christmas eve. There is no mention so far if Dan Brown is going to include this material and we will just have to wait and see. The position of a third Sun-like star begins to emerge. Please note some ancient depictions have only one special star, some include a second and four examples of the most accurate of all the ancient star maps includes detail of all three sun-like stars. This pattern of three suns… Sun-like stars, seems to be the same triangular formation as seen on the dollar bill and on the Solomon Seal. The extra detail of the third star now begins to make its mark and can be referenced further at the bottom of this article. Earlier on the solar trinity aspect of ancient sun worship was mentioned. In essence, there seems to be some remnant of the ancient ritual of “Sol Invictus” here. Here is a view close to what the Pope would have seen long before the modern buildings of Rome blocked his view. The ritual appears to interpret the old sun worship solar obelisks of ancient Egypt. A moment when an alignment occurrence with stars in the heavens as they are represented on the ground when looking down the causeway. For more on this story and how the ground mirrors the sky click the image below or the Vatican link at the end of this article. |
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Interesting facts here:
The Seven Hills of Rome layout pattern is questionable and I believe since they are just natural hills it is very unlikely they map the exact star pattern of the Pleiades. I am more inclined to accept them symbolically as a cluster of seven hills representing the Pleiades. Here is a more up to date study of the The Seven Hills of Rome, their names and their layout. A Place like Mars? An amazing piece of history is revelaed in the link above. The area between the seven hills and the star castle holds a very controversial name: It is referred to as The Field of Mars! Is it possible the builders of Rome had ancient records of their star ancestors including a map of the lost civilisation of Mars? Sounds like wild speculation until you test the anomaly layout pattern on Mars that follows. Coincidently the origins of the city name 'Cairo' near the pyramids in Egypt originates from the ancient Egyptian word 'Al-Qahirah' which duplicates the same description... 'A place like Mars'... and yes its most sacred pyramids match the same star pattern found right at the centre of the pyramid field! See the link at bottom of page. The causeway length from the sacred cross piazza (representative of Solomon's secret template of Orion) is 3.3 stade in distance. (The St Peters piazza is one stade (Roman length measurement).Does this measurement symbolise the sacred length in the heavens of 33 degrees between Orion and a special star? The Egyptian Senmut tomb is explored in the Masonic article link. Part of its blazing star theme, where the Egyptian gods originate from near the bull’s leg constellation, is reproduced below. The theme is explored further at the Masonic link and how it fits in with the origin of the Pre-Christian Yule Tree. They all seem to celebrate one thing and one thing only: A beam of light coming down from the star of origin of our heavenly human ancestors. The star map secret as a layout plan "As above so below". |
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Stonehenge Breakthrough Stonehenge matches the Solomon Key talisman in two different ways. No historian to date has proposed any matching design plan for Stonehenge. ref . It presents one of the best star map cases. It is probably the only monument on Earth that matches the prime Solomon key talisman. Click the image above to get the full Stonehenge article. |
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FREEMASON STAR MAP OF 1ST DEGREE The Freemasons base their allegory and celestial symbolism mystery around what is referred to as the secret of Hiram Abif. This originates, perhaps from a time that is either from the King Solomon story itself, or if not, from one that mirrors the Solomon story. The secret of Hiram Abif is probably synonymous with the once secret foundational first degree tracing board of the Freemasons as referenced at the Bradford University in the UK. (see ref in link below) Here is another interesting occurrence. There is also a Hiram Abif in the Old Testament and he was Solomon’s master mason. Is this just a coincidence? Click the historically accurately reproduced tracing board image decoded by me below to see the full interpretation. The image has been compiled from two source references. I have been warned to mention here that this is MY own interpretation only. This is because some traditional lodges of old ritual from all over the world have complained that the star patterns I recognised are just a coincidence. They are saying it is just old symbolism and an interpretation of general wisdom of the heavens, and mainly because the star Sirius for them is probably the blazing star. The full article link follows and will show why Sirius does not fit as the blazing star solution. Sirius is not near the ecliptic, is not Sun-like, does not match the tracing board, does not match Biblical accounts of the sacred bull area, and more importantly does not match the Vatican, or more importantly the Washington DC layout that Dan Brown briefly covered in his book Lost symbol. Compare the image below to the three sun-like stars near the Pleiades above with the Vatican pattern, Malik Shah, Lalibela, the Dendera disc and more in the linked article here and the Washington image that follows. Click here For more on the history of all three Sun-like stars and the origin of the Trinity.Click the image below for the full article: |
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In the image above, the Orion constellation is celebrated in two ways... firstly as secret knowledge with the symbols seen on the ladder... the cross of the churches... orion's belt... the anchor of John Dee's Monad... orions belt... and a "Key" on the 33 stepped ladder (representing 33 degrees of arc in the heavens) which I deciphered as Solomon's "Key" ... it is Orion showing the way vertically heavenwards up the ladder/Yule Tree... it rises in the East which is an astronomical fact. click the image below for the Freemason article.
In the first degree ritual, note also how the initiate is bound just as it is written in the Solomon Testament... the texts mention that Solomon 'binds' the constellations. Here the Initiate is bound and re-living the great secret knowledge perhaps without really knowing what the real secret is, as an initiate... AS ORIONS BELT. In measuring the old positions on a computer star atlas we have identified a dating method, which is explained in the Masonic article link. |
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The animation that follows depicts exactly in the sky how Orion shows the way to the Pleiades and its three important nearby Sun-like stars of the ‘gods’ of the ancients as they appear in their positions today. |
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Solomon's secret of Ra - the "x" in Washington DC EARTH'S GROUND ZERO MODERN STAR MAP Washington DC is built on a chosen site with Seven hills just like Rome believed was sacred as it literally appears to be a site chosen 'by God' to mirror the seven stars in the heavens. ref . The layout plan and complete meaning of the city of Washington DC is one that George Washington most likely took with him to his grave. A secret that he ingeniously recorded in an encoded Masonic painting explaining the meaning of the layout of his new city that would be built and the positions of all the secret symbolic monuments - Washington DC. There is a link to the painting and the full story here ref Freemasons have now made it clear in many new TV documentaries that they believe that to their knowledge, their society is not holding any earth shattering secrets. They have also with honour revealed all their historical records of ritual and symbolism to universities like the Bradford University in the UK to study. It has all recently become a valuable part of American history. A lot of their valuable symbolism has also been made public in the block buster two part epic, National Treasure by Walt Disney. Dan Brown perhaps should be credited for creating especially the initial momentum that has encouraged this once very secret society to be out in the open with what many will soon see is priceless history. I claimed in 2005 the obvious as you will see in the next few images. Washington DC has a pattern and symbolism I have found in the star maps and in Egyptian symbolism and even matching something on another planet! To compare patterns, here is the Pleiades star map in great detail to compare with Washington DC layout. some buildings use cros design, the main illuminated part is show at its centre of the leg shape of arlington and Rosslyn. The name Rosslyn is no coincidence as we have a Grail link here in Washington to be revealed like at Rosslyn Chapel
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The Leg of the Bull symbol for Pleiades layout of Rosslyn Arlington area is clear in this reference link ref . It confirmd the shape of the leg of the bull defines the area and the very active bright route at night through its center (illuminated with yellow hue in image) called the Clarendon Rosslyn Corridor ref .
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"... Seek the illumination of Rosslyn & Arlington... " The image below is of Washington DC in the early evening as it becomes 'illuminated'. Note how the pentacle that I propose represents sacred geometry of the human form is represented at the top of the image. (See the link in the reference list). Note how Arlington and Rosslyn when illuminated at night match the shape of the sacred symbol of the ancient Egyptian thigh of the bull (highlighted blue and white) and how the obelisk is in its rightful position and the Pentagon matches its counterpart monument ruins found on Mars. (Click link at end of article). Mouse over the image below to see how Washington DC is the blueprint as seen on Mars and its Leg of the bull city complex identical to Jerusalem. |
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Washington mirrors the monuments on Mars! Instead of the representation of the special star with an obelisk as it is in Egypt, Mars uses a human looking face monument. Washington DC uses the same human code pentacle geometry as identified in Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man to encode the human 'origin' message (instead of a face) and in Egyptian style, a circular field as a solar disc on top of the human form head.
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How is it just a coincidence that the Pentagon has its shape match with the Mars five sided pyramid as well as an exact monument theme position match and a unique and very accurate North pointer match? Both monuments have large North pointers attached to their design. |
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The human “Da vinci” style Vitruvian man blue print code is represented in the map by the great pentacle (yellow road highlight at top of Washington image). Note also that the small yellow dot above it is the Great Washington Masonic lodge. In 1848, the breaking of ground cornerstone of the Washington Monument obelisk was celebrated … on the 4th July. The height of the obelisk is 555 ft in height – here is another clue. Some say this is representative of the 'one third measurement' in this case, one third of the square skywards, ie. 33 degrees of arc. Ponder on the meaning of the dividers and the square as a masonic symbol. Just like the causeway of the Vatican is 3.3 stade, it seems designed to represent the same one third of the square cosmic degree measurement as well. The alignment of the water causeway to the obelisk is about to reveal its ancient secret… the secret of the 4th of July Seen below is the Washington Monument obelisk when viewing it from the Lincoln memorial. Orion rises due east on only one day in the year at exactly the same time as the Sun. It occurs at dawn on the 4th of July. Here is the enlightening truth. What is in the sky, is hidden and suddenly becomes invisible as the Sun rises. It celebrates in traditional Egyptian style... The rebirth of the sacred cross as it rises behind the obelisk with our Sun rising above the great circular field with the Yule Tree in front of the White House. The circular field is shaded red in the 'illuminated' Washington DC map below. The human pentacle code (roads shaded yellow) seems to represent human form with a star 'god' symbol with a solar disc on its head like the ancient Egyptians, standing with the Washington Masonic Lodge between its feet! Zoom in on Google Earth. There is slight detail of what looks like a forgotten pattern of a face depiction within the head representation. (Human pentacle depiction is sideways in this image perspective). |
Only the trained initiate will know what is hidden in the sky also having seen the Pleiades rise before Sun-rise. This event is easily measured on computer star programs. This special day of the year was chosen for the biggest and most bloodshed battle of the Crusaders... they thought they would conquer just like Constantine in their last terrible war with their sacred cross being reborn so to speak. Dan Brown will no doubt saw the obvious here but chose not to reveal it. |
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But there is more. I wondered why the great Mall with reflecting water causeway was a few degrees off perfect East-West alignment. Would the proud builders guided by the maticulous Masons make a geometric error like this or was there a reason. It all became clear. The slight off set alignment makes it possible to view the rising Belt stars visible and not hidden behing the obelisk while rising perfectly in the East, the sacred point of rebirth so to speak. |
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The Golden hour of Midnight sounds... The first Belt star appears on the horizon... The sacred moment has arrived of the 33 Degree Masonic measurement... The point in time where their symbolic ladder touches the ground. 33 degrees also in initiation with Jacobs ladder from the first Degree Tracing Board, heavenwards towards the secret of the Blazing star... the Bethlehem star. He discovers that The 'Key' of Solomon is: The Sacred Cross of The Christ... the stars of Orion's Belt... In minutes all three Belt stars are perpendicular and pointing towards the sacred star in the heavens, like the Washington Monument as depicted in the image above! There is another famous site where the Belt stars may have been celebrated far more... Rome. December 25th star viewing event It occurs over the Christmas period the ancients celebrated, long before Christ on Dec 25th as Sol Invictus - on Winter solstice - starting on December the 21st, reaching close to alignment as seen in the image below. Viewed along the water reflecting sky secret causeway on the evening of December 23rd a little after 6 pm and for a few nights visible close to this position.
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These two great icons, the obelisk and the Christmas Tree tradition have the power to create peace in the world. Since I propose both have their origins in ancient Egypt on the Senmut Tomb mural ref and since both share the very same star visitor human origin secret from our ancestors from 3 sun systems near the Pleiades... is it not strange while the folks celebrating life and families and giving in true spirit havent a clue we celebrate our star of our ancestors and literally: Earth colonisation day measured on 25th December sol Invictus. The Washington Monument obelisk has one more piece of evidence to offer. It has the precise Egyptian title for what it represents inside the monument itself in memory of George Washington’s illuminated knowledge: |
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A Hebrew six pointed star associated with an ancient Egyptian flying disc, in dual representation with a solar disc Scholars say this is the way the Egyptians present a title for our Sun, yet it has a six pointed star superimposed over it... a very first! A very well thought out way to suggest Sun-like star one could say. Or... the obvious... "UNION OF OUR SUN SYSTEM... AND THE STAR OF DAVID". The Star of David I have confirmed in my work is the Bethlehm star and the Ra star and all the world civilisations celebration of a great Sun... that is not 'OUR' Sun but one near the Pleiades of our ancestors! An obelisk in position as a Sun-star of the celestial angels matching the star map found with the Vatican in Rome. A dual solar title with a star title... one with a completely Hebrew tone to it fitting our Solomon mystery as a grande finale. If you think all these star interpretation patterns could just be a coincidence then take a look at all the evidence... here is another modern account said to be the new world place of first contact... some say... the new Babylon... BERJ DUBAI STAR MAP This is probably a coincidence but worth comparing nevertheless. The tallest building in the world is now the Berj Dubai building. It resembles a giant obelisk as it tapers heavenwards. It is placed in a circular development project around a man made lake. There is a cluster of buildings seen at the top left position in a pattern and a massive hotel built in the lowest position. Since I have presented evidence of many ancient Sumerian star maps celebrating the same sacred star, one has to question... Is Dubai... built like Washington DC... like on Mars? |
Some say a Templar treasure from the recently decoded Oak Island star map ref was found around the time of George Washington and it funded the building of his city matching Oak Island and Jerusalem template.
This is an actual photograph highlighting three real astronomical referenced positioned Sun stars that I have proposed since 2002 found in the beginnings of virtually every civilisation. Click the image to get the basis of my work here: |
The star map is present in the beginnings of virtually all human civilizations across the face of this planet, and on another: It is the very same sacred star found in many lost civilisations... The star of a lost civilisation on Mars - pyramid star map The star of 17000 year old Cro Magnon man in France The star of Ra - 50 pyramid star map of Egypt The star of King David and Solomon (this website) The star of the Maya - pyramid star map The star of the Inca – golden star map at Cuzco The star of the Angkor - temple star map The star of the Ethiopians – stone church star map |
References: Clavicula Salomonis. - The manuscript collection of the most important ancient talisman icons including the Solomon Seal and Solomon key. Solomon Key - Wikipedia data link - The secret talisman icons of Solomon believed to be the Key of Solomon. Solomon seal -The Star of David - Wikipedia data link. - The image at the top right of this web page is believed to be the Solomon Seal. King Solomon - Wikipedia data link. King Solomon - Son of King David - founder of Jerusalem Solomon’s Temple - Wikipedia data link - The legendary Solomon Temple predating the current temple mount Temple Mount - Wikipedia data link -The temple Mount Jerusalem rebuild on the foundations of the Solomon Temple. Human form - Solomon’s Temple design of human proportion that matches Baalbek Human form blueprint Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek - Human form temple design - matching Solomon Temple - images of the largest stone blocks in the world St Peter Key - Wikipedia data link. See the key held in the hand of St. Peter that seems to hold the same secret as the Solomon Key. Hiram key - University of Bradford - Freemason image with beam of light from star seems to hold the same secret as the Solomon Key and Hiram key. Clavicules du Roi Salomon - more Solomon talisman archives on cosmic codes Creator and heavenly visitors - French text The Clavicle of Solomon Sloane manuscript British Library, 3847 Ptolomy the Grecian Esoteric Archives. |
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